
Colliding for Creativity: Insights from Tay Guan Hin, The One Club's APAC Regional Director at the One Asia x adobo Magazine Masterclass

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MANILA, PHILIPPINES — Tay Guan Hin, APAC Regional Director of The One Club for Creativity, Singapore, highlighted the transformative power of collision in creativity at the ONE Asia x adobo Magazine Masterclass last October 14, 2024.

The One Club for Creativity and adobo Magazine organized the event as a great learning opportunity for young creatives in the Philippines at the inaugural masterclass.

Guan Hin, the best-selling author of Collide: Embracing Conflict to Boost Creativity, shared personal anecdotes about the conflicts that fueled his career growth. Quoting Ronald A. Heifetz, he emphasized that “conflict is the primary engine of creativity and innovation. People don’t learn by staring into a mirror.”


Are you ready to collide?

Here are three main key takeaways from Guan Hin’s talk:

1. Colliding familiar things to make something unfamiliar.

As Guan Hin aptly stated, “Creativity is the power to connect the seemingly unconnected. Your brain begins to see connections where none existed before, leading to new outcomes. If your mind is observant, inspiration will strike.” 

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By combining unfamiliar elements with familiar elements, we can leverage existing knowledge and acceptance. This concept is evident in diverse fields such as food, fashion, music, technology, and movies. Creativity lies in connecting the seemingly unconnected

2. Head-on collision to break convention. 

“Think dirty,” said Guan Hin. To break convention, instead of running away, you need to confront it head-on. Think of scenarios that go against the norm. He shared: “If you want to win awards, one way to stand out in your product category is to create work that is opposite to what is expected in the category or industry. Don’t do what everyone else is doing.”

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3.  Collide: The catalyst to spark bold changes.

Collision is a catalyst for sparking bold changes by shifting behaviors, igniting conversations, and delivering impactful results. It disrupts traditional thinking and encourages fresh perspectives.

Guan Hin hoped that the three strategies he shared would significantly alter your creative perspective. As he put it, “Collide was my simple way of generating powerful, creative ideas, and I hoped it would be yours too.”

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adobo Magazine is an official media partner of ONE Asia and The One Club for Creativity.

The ONE Asia x adobo magazine Masterclass was made possible by the generous support of sponsors Yellow Brick Road Productions, Soundesign Manila – Audio Production House, and Meta.

Special thanks to our organization partner, Ayala Foundation, Inc., for providing the venue for this event.The One Club for Creativity – home of The One Show, ADC Annual Awards, Art Directors Club of Europe (ADCE) awards, ONE Asia Awards, Type Directors Club and competition, TDC Ascenders, Young Guns, Young Ones Student Awards, Next Creative Leaders, ONE Screen Short Film Festival, and more – is the world’s foremost non-profit organization whose mission is to support and celebrate the global creative community.  Revenue generated from entries to its global awards shows goes back into the industry to fund programming under the organization’s four pillars: Education, Inclusion & Diversity, Gender Equality, and Creative Development. 

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