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Journeys: Rey Tiempo’s London International Awards 2024 coverage wrap-up report

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LAS VEGAS, USA — We were at the Seven Magic Mountains art installation, the site of one of the most unique mentoring sessions I’ve ever participated in, conducted by Malcom Poynton, Global Chief Creative Officer of Cheil Worldwide, and Jury President for Digital and Use of Social Media & Influencers at this year’s LIA. For the first few minutes of the session, he asked us to turn off our mobile phones and remove our sunglasses to fully immerse ourselves in the unfiltered sights, sounds, and sensations of the blistering Las Vegas desert, amidst these otherworldly, curiously-balanced set of giant, colorful boulders. It was as surreal an experience as one could imagine, and the three busloads of participants composed of Creative LIAisons attendees, juries, press, organizers, and friends were all basking in it.

It was then that I was approached by one of the attendees, with a slightly puzzled look on her face. “Is this it? These are just… rocks,” she whispered (since at that time, we were encouraged not to speak.)

I took a deep, deep breath, mustered all the mentoring, sage-like, zen-infused wisdom, industry honed-strength and resolve I could gather, and answered (whispered back) calmly: “It’s not about what is in front of you right now. To realize the significance of it all, you have to see beyond and take everything in the context of what brought us here, of what brought YOU here, to this very moment.”


I added, “Consider, and really reflect on the journey that each and everyone one of the participants here had to go through to reach this point. For the Creative LIAisons, it was a year (and for some, even more) of competing against other hopefuls from different agencies – talented, equally-deserving individuals – to represent their countries, their regions, their industries.”

For me, that journey began two years ago (or maybe over 20 years ago, when I first entered this industry), when I first set foot in Las Vegas (instant sensory overload) and met the wonderful organizers of the London International Awards, coming here to cover the event as press / creative head / note-taking curious observer / backseat jury. I was immediately struck by how warm and inclusive this show was, and still is. Since that year, I have been truly honored that the journey has been blessing me with the greatest friendships, from all parts of the world. It also helps that LIA week usually coincides with my birthday week, so it’s always a special time of the year (I could say my entire life from my birth has always led me to LIA!)

It is the only global industry awards show (so far) that welcomes members of the press and most notably, young creatives from the Creative LIAisons program into the jury rooms, as the judges deliberate on the work. This creates a very unique and special atmosphere of no-holds barred honesty and openness in the jury rooms, offering an invaluable real-world feedback feedback system for the young creatives in attendance. 

It is also, by far, the only global industry award show that conducts all judging of entries on site – no pre-screening or online shortlisting, and definitely no separate “shortlisting juries” as used by other award shows. This approach makes perfect sense, as the LIA set of juries are very carefully-selected and meticulously curated, representing the best of the best in the industry – no other set of eyes should be judging the work. 

And since all the work is discussed, analyzed and scrutinized face to face, it makes sense that judging is still done in the tried and tested “show of hands” method (unlike most other shows where judges score through a very impersonal system on iPads, tablets, or other gadgets). The LIA system also instructs the judges to vote for Golds right away (the more common practice is to start with the lowest ranking Bronzes) – surprising and nerve-wracking for the inexperienced, but not for the seasoned. Once again, the only awards show to do it in the current industry landscape. All of this makes for a rigorous, 10-day total, fully onsite judging process – a challenging but worthy journey for the juries, resulting in one of the most finely curated creative awards shows in the world.

And what a journey it has been for all the winners! Especially for Asia, with three Grand LIAs awarded to this region I call home, the Philippines even bagging a Gold. To top it off, the legendary Piyush Pandey received the LIA Legend Award this year.

See the full list of winners and awardees here

For many of us in Asia, the physical journey itself to reach this part of the world makes participating in this prestigious show a real challenge: for some, it means taking three or more connecting flights across time zones, dealing with the often-crippling effects of jetlag, the dry desert air, and, of course, the outrageousness of the Las Vegas Strip. So, it’s always a thrill and a proud moment to see Asians representing as juries on this grand stage.

Especially for the Philippines, it was incredible to witness two strong women leaders in the jury: Merlee Jayme, the Chairmom herself, breaker of glass ceilings and Founder of The Misfits Camp, representing in the Creativity in B2B Jury; and Joey David-Tiempo, Founder and CEO of Octopus&Whale, the Philippines’ very own Game and Experience Design Agency, representing in the Evolution and Creative Use of Data Jury. Their journeys were not only worth it but rewarding for the region. And may the journey to increase representation on the world’s best stages continue to forge ahead.

Jung von Matt NERD Founder and Managing Director Toan Nguyen’s journey is very much like mine – fighting the never-ending battle for nerds and geeks everywhere. But it’s no longer much of a battle; it’s a loud victory cry, as it becomes increasingly clear that nerd culture is taking over the world (and, of course, the advertising industry too!). Gaming has debuted as a stand-alone category in the world’s biggest advertising awards shows, and it’s still very much in its infancy (as I often mention in my Gaming X Marketing column, Game On). But with advancements in tech and immersive entertainment, our journey will inevitably lead to creating even more geeks and nerds in the industry!

“So, if you really think about it, these aren’t just rocks. This isn’t just a desert. This isn’t just a gathering of the most select Young Creatives in the world. And you… you’re not just here, witnessing and experiencing it all,” I concluded.

We walked back to our buses and enjoyed the ride back to the Wynn-Encore, back to the Creative LIAisons sessions, and looked forward to our journeys back to our agencies, our teams, and our homes.

adobo Magazine is an official media partner of the London International Awards 2024.

About the Author:

Rey Tiempo is the Founder and Creator of Game On, a column he writes for adobo magazine. He is also Chief Creative Officer at Co-Op Play, brand gamification specialists, and Chief Creative at Minotaur AD, a team of community enablers and ecosystem builders. Previously, Rey led creative teams at the largest networks and brought home top prizes from the world’s most prestigious industry award shows. He currently leads conversations on gaming and innovations in interactive media across APAC. Rey recently launched The In-Game Ads Awards, the first and only awards of its kind in the advertising industry, celebrating entirely fictional ads for entirely fictional brands within video game worlds, judged by an esteemed panel of globally recognized creative leaders.

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