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Stories of timeless beauty, the future, and silenced conversations stand out in this week’s ads

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MANILA, PHILIPPINES — The creative industry is brimming with tons of amazing ideas, so it’s no surprise that there’s never a shortage of great campaigns to admire and celebrate.

From gripping stories and new perspectives that embody what a brand stands for to new fun ways people can engage with a brand, here are campaigns that caught adobo Magazine’s eye this week:

An open conversation on women’s care 

Women’s hygiene and care have always been treated as a taboo subject. So, PH Care and Ace Saatchi & Saatchi showed how damaging it is to a young girl’s experience to have her questions about her body dismissed and silenced. In A Silent Film, the silenced protagonist struggles to navigate feminine care — left with no answers except for dismissive superstitions and online misinformation — until she finally finds a safe space that gives her both her voice back and the answers she needs.


Heed your future self’s warning 

For Allianz Malaysia, it was time to step away from blissful shots of elderly couples and other cliches people might expect of a retirement plan ad. With the help of FCB Shout, Allianz channeled the hard realities of what could happen if you don’t think beyond financial savings when planning for your future. And what better way to get the message across than to enlist your future self as the messenger of the consequences you should avoid?

This fridge is the ultimate gaming companion

Heineken stepped up “Not All Nights Out are Out,” the brand’s campaign celebrating socialization in gamer culture, with a must-have created with LePub Brazil that’ll elevate everyone’s gaming night with their friends: TH3 G4M1NG FR1DG3. With this custom PC that integrates a fridge-slash-beer-fridge that keeps both your computer and your drinks cold, you can have those long nights out with your friends from the comfort of your gaming setup without burning out your computer.

When decades of art and beauty collide

Lancôme blends its celebration of beauty with art in its latest campaign, and what better partner to collaborate with than a fellow French cultural icon, The Louvre? As a love letter to the evolving and diverse nature of beauty, global ambassadors, like Zendaya and Amanda Seyfried, pose with famous art pieces in the lavish space. This juxtaposition perfectly captured what makes beauty so timeless — women’s stories that resonate throughout and beyond centuries, cultures, and borders. 


How to safely give in to those puppy dog eyes  

KFC taps into a predicament they know its fur parent customers have: should they give in to their dogs’ begging when it comes to that delicious KFC chicken bones at the end of the meal? As a way to rid pet owners of both the guilt of saying no to their dogs and the guilt of giving them cooked bones which are harmful to them, KFC created the the Bone Tie — a safe doggy treat made from the delicious KFC bones they crave. 

Here’s a look back at adobo Magazine’s weekly campaign picks. 

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