Awards NewsEducation

Awards: Knowledge Channel’s “School At Home” campaign bags award

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MANILA, PHILIPPINES — Knowledge Channel Foundation’s (KCFI) “School at Home” campaign, which made possible distance learning during the pandemic using Knowledge Channel’s platforms on-air, online, and offline was adjudged “Outstanding CSR Project in Education” in the recently concluded 2021 League of Corporate Foundations- Corporate Social Responsibility (LCF-CSR) Guild Awards.  



The “School at Home Project” provided children who were forced to stay home during the pandemic the chance to continue learning via shows that tackle various school subjects, including Math, Science, Filipino, English, Araling Panlipunan, Values, Arts, and Physical Education. These videos are aligned with the Most Essential Learning Competencies or MELCs set by the Department of Education and complement the lessons in the self-learning modules and those that air on DepEd TV. 

“We want to be able to help the Department of Education, our teachers, and parents to support the learning of the child. Aside from the DepEd-provided self-learning modules, we have prepared at least one video lesson per learning competency, for each of the most essential learning competencies. These video lessons are what kids need at this time to be able to better learn,” Edric Calma, Director of Operations said as he accepted the award for KCFI.     

KCFI undertook the initiative in response to the difficulties brought to the education sector in 2020, which drastically changed the learning modalities from face-to-face to distance learning, leaving teachers, students, and parents ill-equipped with the pedagogical and technical skills needed in the new normal.    


Despite facing dire circumstances, including the cease-and-desist order against SKYdirect and ABS-CBN TV Plus and the Congress’ dismissal of the ABS-CBN franchise bid affecting over 7 million homes, KCFI remained relentless in supporting teachers, students, parents and in helping improve teaching and learning in the new normal through media and technology.   

The LCF, which is celebrating its 25th anniversary is a network of corporate foundations and corporations that promotes and enhances the strategic practice of Corporate Social Responsibility.    

Knowledge Channel’s “School at Home” campaign continues to serve Filpino children, parents and teachers via SKYcable, PCTA partner cable operators, Cignal, GSAT, SatLite, and on A2Z two hours every morning (7:00 to 8:40 AM) from Monday to Sunday. Video lessons are also available on and on YouTube.   

KCFI is one of LCF’s long-standing partners and has led its Education Committee in 2018 and 2019. Today, LCF’s members continue to grow, enabling more collaborations for the betterment of the nation.   

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