Awards NewsEventsPhilippine News

Awards: PANAta Awards 2020 set to stream live, with performances from Ebe Dancel, Kyline Alcantara, Bamboo

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MANILA, PHILIPPINES – It is going to be a big night as showbiz celebrities share limelight with industry luminaries in the PANAta Awards for the presentation of the best and most effective brand campaigns in the country.

With nearly 200 entries vying for recognition in categories that include best brand positioning, best endorser and best medium (TV, Radio and Print), PANAta Awards is inclusive of most facets in marketing communications. It is for this reason why brand builders, advertising agencies and media suppliers look forward to this occasion. One of the most sought-after categories is the GAWAD PANDAYON, the brands’ response to this year’s adversity. A unique and timely recognition, brands which have responded in an effective and creative way that uplifted lives of those who were displaced by the pandemic and inspired the nation to kindness will be honored. It has 3 categories namely Courage, Creative Effectiveness and Authenticity.



Not to overlook as well are the well-chosen artists who will provide entertainment. The event will be hosted by Derrick Monasterio, a young and promising actor/host of GMA 7. Other performances will be given by Ebe Dancel, Kyline Alcantara and Bamboo whose numbers were meticulously handpicked in keeping with the “Together, We Rise” theme.

It is with honor and pride that PANA (Philippine Association of Advertisers) in cooperation with its agency partner, Intersections Communications Inc. present this distinctive event. Those interested may witness the online virtual awarding of winners on December 8, 7pm(Philippine time) via PANA FB, PANA YouTube Channel and selected media partners’ pages …Adobo Magazine, DZRH News, Love Radio Manila, Yes The Best Manila, Easy Rock Manila, Radyo Natin, Wish 107.5, Manila Standard, Manila Times, The Philippine Star and INQ Subscription.

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