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Awards: White Square international advertising festival: Early birds call for entries is open

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MINSK, BELARUS — White Square international advertising and marketing festival – one of the largest creative festivals in Europe – announced the start of the call for entries of season 2022. Annually over 1000 entries from more than 30 countries of the globe take part in the competition.

The White Square will be held in 2022 for the 14th time. Over the years, the Festival has received recognition not only among participants in Eastern Europe, the European Union, MENA countries, and Central Asia, but it is of increasing interest among the countries of Latin America and China. Participants estimate the high level of organization of the competition, the professionalism and expertise of the jury, the level of the business program, and the special atmosphere of the Festival.

Participating in the Festival provides the opportunity to be estimated by professionals of international level both for big international agencies as well as local. The major criteria of judging are the creative idea and its execution.


White Square is held by ACMA with the support of European Association of Communications Agencies (EACA), the largest association in Europe, and is actively supported by regional and international mass media about advertising and marketing. White Square is included in Adforum, TopFice ranking as well as other industrial rankings of other countries.
In 2022 White Square will be held on June 8-10 and includes the contest and business & educational program.

The contest program of White Square 2022 includes 32 contests:


CREATIVE: film, print, radio & audio, outdoor, integrated, branded content & entertainment, creative use of media;
BRANDING: communication design, packaging design, digital & interactive design;
MARKETING SERVICES: brand experience & activation, PR, direct, campaigns: sectors, innovations;
MEDIA: channels, excellence in media, media campaign;
DIGITAL: digital, mobile, social & influencer, creative data;
CRAFT: film craft, print & outdoor craft, excellence in radio & audio;
MASS MEDIA CONTEST: communication, digital & mobile, reach, integrated campaigns, change for good. brands, change for good. non-profit.

The contest will be evaluated by 7 jury teams: 70+ persons with international recognition, competences, and awards: creative and art directors of local and international agencies who hold numerous prestigious festival medals and broad judging experience in creative festivals.

Prize-winning and winning works of White Square 2022 will get more 50 publications in mass media.

Entries for participation in the Festival are accepted until April 28, 2022 on the official website of the festival, and the earlier the work is submitted, the lower the cost of its participation:

1 stage: December 17 — January 18;
2 stage: January 19 — February 28;
3 stage: March 1 — March 31;
4 stage: April 1 – April 28.

Online judging sessions will be held in May.

Business and educational program will be traditionally presented with master classes held by leading experts of creative industry of 30+ countries of the globe and will be held in such desired offline format.

The culmination of the program is White Square Ceremony awards Gala that will be held on June 10.

The entries are accepted online on official website of the festival. The earliest stage of the call for entries will last to January 18 and provides the most profitable conditions for all the participants.

Prepare your contest entries, upload them to festival’s website and win at White Square!

Follow the news on official website of the festival and social networks FacebookInstagramLinkedIn


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