
It’s official: Micky Domingo takes over Mio Chongson’s spot in Blue Bottle

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THE PHILIPPINES, JANUARY 9, 2012: Micky Domingo, executive creative director of J. Romero and Associates, returns to Blue Bottle, this time as president and chief creative officer, following Mio Chongson’s transfer to Ace Saatchi & Saatchi as chief operating officer. Chongson was appointed to the position at the tail end of 2011, but officially assumed her new role only this month.

“Micky, known to be a great storyteller and a leader who inspires his people, not only with his ideas but also his admirable work ethics, makes him a logical choice,” said Chongson.
Chongson, who currently chairs the 4As Philippines, previously held management positions in BBDO Guerrero Ortega and Jimenez D’Arcy. Domingo, on the other hand, has 20 years of creative experience with McCann Erickson. He served as Blue Bottle’s executive creative director and consultant for two years before transferring to J. Romero.
“I feel honored that Mio should entrust Blue Bottle to me,” said Domingo, who added that he originally intended to leave the advertising industry last 2007, but when Chongson and Mildred Cid offered him the consultant position at Blue Bottle, it “helped rekindle the love I had for the practice of advertising.”
“The Blue Bottle offer was like heaping blessing upon blessing,” Domingo shared. “I can’t and won’t say that Blue Bottle is here to rock the advertising world. But I can say that in our own humble way that we will continue to think of fresh ways to make our clients’ brands attractive. Even something so ordinary, when placed in a blue bottle, can be so beautiful.”

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