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McCann Erickson HK promotes Halbroth to Joint ECD, heads Cathay Pacific Central Team with Sylvester Song

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Thierry Halbroth was recently promotion to Joint Executive Creative Director and joins ECD Sylvester Song to head McCann Erickson’s Cathay Pacific Central Team creative department.

Joining the agency in 2006, Halbroth has been on the Cathay Pacific Central Team as a great leader and inspiration to leading creative ideas.

"Thierry has consistently demonstrated that he thinks outside the box and nurtures big ideas.  Together, we will be heading the strongest integrated creative department in Hong Kong," said Sylvester Song.


The creative pair is also responsible for putting Cathay Pacific on the international award maps, having contributed to over 100 awards in just three years.

As an advocate for digital integration and creative thinking, Halbroth’s experience is valued within the advertising industry and the Hong Kong community.  In early 2009, he was elected Chairman of the iDA Committee within the Hong Kong 4As.

As M&C Saatchi’s Director of Integrated Services, Halbroth gained extensive airline experience on British Airways and Qantas accounts, managing online creative and integrated activities for four years.

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