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Leo Burnett Malaysia launches new campaign for AIA PUBLIC

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MALAYSIA – Leo Burnett Malaysia rececntly launched a new campaign for AIA PUBLIC Takaful Bhd (AIA PUBLIC) with a 3-minute film on rezeki (“providence”), titled “Cubaan dan Rezeki Tiada Hentinya” (“The All-Merciful’s Trials and Unceasing Providence”).

Based on real life, the story chronicles a couple’s agonizing struggle after the wife suffers a miscarriage and is told that she will likely never be able to bear children. In their grief, they pray for strength, and are comforted by the beautiful rezeki they have in each other’s love. In His time, they are blessed with rezeki that surpasses all expectations.

Creative Group Head of Leo Burnett Malaysia, Zaidee Zainal, explained that the campaign was developed based on the deeper spiritual understanding of rezeki. Muslims are encouraged to endure difficulties with patience and to persevere in times of adversity – as best expressed in these verses from Surah At-Talaq:


“Barangsiapa yang bertaqwa kepada Allah, nescaya Allah akan mengadakan baginya jalan keluar (dari segala perkara yang menyusahkannya), serta memberinya rezeki dari jalan yang tidak terlintas di hatinya”. (And unto everyone who is conscious of God, He [always] grants a way out [of unhappiness], and provides for him in a manner beyond all expectations)

“The challenge given to Leo Burnett was to bring out the essence of AIA PUBLIC – the ‘real life’ company that is fully Shariah-compliant and faithful to the spiritual needs of Muslims. In keeping with our Humankind philosophy, which advocates a keen understanding of human behavior to create meaningful stories that impact communities, Leo Burnett drew inspiration from actual experiences of the Almighty’s rezeki,” stated Muntip Liew, Head of Corporate Social Investment from Leo Burnett Malaysia.

Elmie Aman Najas, Chief Executive Officer of AIA PUBLIC said, “We were drawn to the concept of challenges and rezeki because while life has its ups and downs, we should never give up on what’s most important to us. And there are steps that we can take to prepare for some of those uncertainties.”


The campaign kicks-off with the 3-minute short film, which is supported by the release of the 30-second television commercial that runs on TV3, TV9, YouTube & TonTon.

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