
Special delivery: Telco opens online shop

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THE PHILIPPINES, FEBRUARY 14, 2012: In a bid to pull in more shares from the growing smartphone market consumers and users, Smart Communications Inc. (Smart), the Philippines’ leading mobile network, set up an online mobile store that offers free nationwide handset delivery services until June 30 for its initial run.
This latest offer aims to speed up the acquisition and the delivery of smartphones to customers and wireless centers in order to eliminate or at least reduce long lines and waiting times. Subscribers can access the online store and make their mobile phone and internet services and product purchases through the website itself.
Smart has seen a recent spike in smartphone sales especially in the last four months of the previous year.  The Netphone product line, manufactured by Chinese brand Huawei, comes with a built in “SmartNet” app and runs on the Android operating system, already has posted a record 100,000 units sold and still counting. SmartNet allows subscribers to chat, search for, and add friends online; download additional applications; and check their load or credit status in real time, all free of charge. All Smart mobile phones that run on Android now have SmartNet pre-installed
The network’s iPhone 4S sales, meanwhile, “have exceeded expectations” according to Smart, considering that they only offered the iPhone late in 2011.

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