Awards News

Awards: Four weeks left to enter London International Awards, including newly released work

LONDON, UK — As a show that’s created for creatives, London International Awards (LIA) believes new, relevant and inspiring work needs to be seen and shared worldwide. Creativity feeds on winning work to grow standards year after year. Without it, the industry becomes starved for inspiration and learning flounders.

Here comes good news: LIA is still open for submission of work that has missed the eligibility deadlines of the other major international awards shows. As judging begins in October 2021, there is still time to send in new, fresh work. You can optimize this advantage and send in your newly created work.  LIA’s eligibility runs from 1st September 2019 – 8th August 2021. Therefore, all work broadcast, published, or released in a commercial environment with client approval would meet this requirement.

Some good examples would be work pertaining to the recent UEFA Euro 2020 or the Tokyo Olympics. 

Barbara Levy, President of LIA said, “This is a time to work together to ensure  recognition of the great creativity that our industry produces.  At a time when most awards are continuing with late fees, we have decided to celebrate the industry that supports us as much as we can by discounting our entry fees throughout our entire entry season. For 2021, these are our key motivations.”

The entry system closes on 31st August 2021, so there is plenty of time and opportunity to meet the submission deadline. 

Let LIA’s international juries be the first judges to see and assess this new work. This is both exciting and important. New work that is honored and showcased at LIA will have a butterfly effect. It will get the worldwide recognition it deserves. And, in turn, set the benchmark for greater creativity in 2022 and the years to come.

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