adoboPicksCampaign Spotlight

adoboPicks: This week’s campaigns have us walking on beer, making first moves, and rekindling flames

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MANILA, PHILIPPINES — The creative industry is brimming with tons of amazing ideas, so it’s no surprise that there’s never a shortage of great campaigns to admire and celebrate.

From gripping stories and new perspectives that embody what a brand stands for to new fun ways people can engage with a brand, here are campaigns that caught adobo Magazine’s eye this week:

Heineken lets you walk on beer


Drinking beer is one thing but walking on it? Heineken Silver’s latest collaboration with The Shoe Surgeon (with creative agencies Le Pub and BBH) resulted in Heinekicks, the first ever pair of sneakers that allow its wearer to walk on beer. Fully equipped with a bottle opener, these Heinekicks take the fun to the next level.

Inspiring goodness by taking the HiRoad


Good behavior is not always rewarded but this is exactly what auto insurance company HiRoad and creative agency FRED & FARID Los Angeles does in their latest campaign. HiRoad recognizes drivers for the good choices they make on the road and rewards them with a monthly driving discount. With a lighthearted ad that compares people’s behaviors impacting those around them. By taking the high road, drivers make the world a more mindful, enjoyable place for everyone.

Bumble starts it with hello

Notorious for making the women make the first move, dating app Bumble released a new campaign called “It Starts with Hello,” aiming to break down the barriers and empower women to show how it can be rewarding instead of intimidating. This Bumble’s second integrated campaign launched in the Philippines and it comes with two digital films that show what can transpire from their hello — be it a fun date in the night market or a karaoke session with the future partner.

Write your new chapter in Thailand

BBDO Bangkok’s latest ad for Tourism Authority of Thailand is a cinematic masterpiece that appears to be movie trailers rather than an ad. Following the themes of love, adventure, and even sci-fi, the film puts the spotlight on some of Thailand’s best sceneries and features, especially nature. A pitch against other countries rather than a pitch against other agencies, BBDO Bangkok allures travellers to write their new chapter in the wonders of Thailand.

Skyn’s a second first time

In the spirit of rekindle sparks, condom brand SKYN had the idea to hypnotize a couple who had been together for 10 years and then had them talk to each other as complete strangers. The ad by creative agency UltraSuperNew Tokyo, called “Meeting for the First Time,” is a conversation that captures SKYN’s mission to connect couples together with soft love. Though it started as an awkward chat, the emotional progression of the conversation reminded the couple of the fundamental reason why they stayed together.

Therapeutic language for healing ambiguous loss


Considered to be the most traumatic one, ambiguous loss is the type of grief experienced by the loved ones of long-term missing persons. Technology agency whiteGREY provided The Missing Persons Advocacy Network (MPAN) with The Hope Narratives, a therapeutic language tool for putting the emotional complexity of ambiguous loss into words, based on the lived experiences of others. The cards combine over 500 collective years of experience into 145 modular statements, which connect to become over 1.4 million possible Hope Narratives. What started out as a mission to support loved ones of missing persons also became a creative space for communities to address the complicated grief.

Here’s a look back at adobo magazine’s weekly campaign picks.

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