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Campaign Spotlight: Audemars Piguet celebrates the 50th anniversary of the iconic Royal Oak and its octagonal design with Publicis Luxe

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PARIS, FRANCE — Picasso said “it takes a long time to become young” – Since its launch on April 15, 1972, the Royal Oak, the flagship model of luxury watch brand Audemars Piguet, known for its trademark octagonal design, has been a symbol of audacity, a refusal to capitulate, and the freedom of spirit felt by those driven by the impulse of youth. Today, even with constant innovations and ever-changing aesthetics, the Royal Oak is a symbol that has stood the test of time by remaining “forever young”.

To honor the 50 years of continuous innovations to this iconoclast turned cultural icon, Publicis Luxe has created an immersive journey into the heart of the cultural trends that have shaken up and enlivened the fields of contemporary art, architecture, design, music and more from 1972 to almost tomorrow.


A Journey Through Time was produced by the Temple Caché collective, which meticulously reconstructed the pop cultural iconography of each decade, using the Royal Oak’s iconic octagonal design as a point of passage.

The campaign was conceived as an aesthetic experience and was deployed as a 360-degree campaign which also included :

  • billboards celebrating the purity of the design and the icon’s octagonal shape
  • 3D event screens around the world, including Piccadilly, Time Square, Changdu, Dubai…
  • social media through an editorial campaign, still lifes, and 3D Instagram filters
  • retail store design and pop-up stores

These elements help to illustrate Audemars Piguet’s ability to transcend the ages, making the Royal Oak a cultural and design icon forever in tune with the times.


The media campaign launched worldwide on April 15, 2022.


Head of Brand Image & Digital: Valentin Bentz
Brand Communications Manager: Katherine McKay
Brand Communications & Content Expert: Nelly Audhoui
Brand communication specialist: Claudio Zenger

Executive Creative Directors: Marie-Eve Schoettl – David Soussan
DC / DA: Nicolas Chauvin
DCA / CR: Gregory Athea
Assistant DA: Amine Bouzidi
CD Publicis Live: Anne Cleret
Creative Music Director: Christophe Caurret
Music Producer: Boris Jeanne
Account Management: Camille Rieu, Camille Emeury
Production: Estelle Diot, Aurelien Merigaud
Art Buying: Anne Traonouil

Film 50 ans:
Directors: Temple Caché (Kelzang Ravach et Marion Castera), Valentin Guiod
Production: BIRTH LX
Executive Producer & Partner: Yohan Ungar & Hugo Legrand Nathan
Post-Producers: Morgan Mirza, Esha Wootum & William Enguienta
Music: N’TO – Believe Recordings
Digital Production: Artsphère
Photographer: Carl Diner / Bloom
Print Production: Mecanique Generale
DOOH Production: AC3 – Antoine Clergeot

Partner with adobo Magazine

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