Campaign Spotlight

Campaign Spotlight: Customers amazed by Weber Super Glue creative campaign

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BANGKOK, THAILAND — Weber just announced their new product, Weber Super Glue, with the help of a creative ad campaign. The advertising agency, YELL BKK used a parody of Marvel superheroes to introduce their new product to the market. The campaign revolves around a protagonist that receives a never-ending supply of superglue from his finger. He acquires this unique power after being bitten by a mutated gecko. Now, this protagonist can fix any broken thing with his powers.

This campaign focuses on informing customers about the different benefits of their super glue while amusing them with this unique concept. The protagonist, Weber Superglue Man, shows how easy it is to fix broken things with the help of Weber’s Super Glue. He begins fighting crime and gluing villains to the nearest buildings. He has become a symbol of hope for every Thai household as he continues to fight crime.


Weber Superglue Man explains how this new product by Weber introduces a new cap innovation system. With the help of this new system, customers don’t have to worry about the clogged tube. There is no need to refrigerate this product, and people can get glue without using any pins. This product has indeed introduced a new level of convenience for Weber customers. The creative campaign also shows the strength of the Weber Super Glue as the protagonist tries to help a baby elephant.

So far, customers are stunned by this clever campaign for Weber Super Glue. This ad campaign was indeed a masterpiece. It keeps gaining popularity by the minute. The overwhelming response from customers is proof that the company did a splendid job. This campaign has successfully shown how Weber Super Glue is better than other alternatives in the market.

A glue tube is one of the most common products for an average Thai household. Weber wanted to show how their super glue is a hero for every house. This hero can fix any kind of problem with the help of its unique superpower. The ad campaign used humor to communicate to the public how Weber Super Glue can be the hero for their household.


The target was stunned by this clever campaign and it keeps gaining popularity by the minute. The overwhelming response from customers as proof shows up in the numbers:
•500k Views (Facebook & YouTube)
•99% Positive Engagement
•12% CTR
•1/5 Buying intention

YELL’s background
Our humble story began with four founders shared over their meal while talked business in a small rented office space in 2009. From that, Yell was born – a name inspired from Yellow MaMa, an instant noodle they shared.

Fast forward to 9 years later, Yell became one of the hottest agencies in Thailand, as ranked by Campaign Brief Asia. Being as Yell today has driven us to compete with world-class network agencies and acquire many top brands in Thailand such as CP, Thai Bev, Pruksa Real Estate, Gojek, etc.

With local insights and creativity, we don’t just deliver against KPIs – we also help build brands. We don’t just want to communicate what makes sense, we want to communicate what speaks to the consumers, what’s right, and what makes other brands jealous. It’s our vision.
Our mission is to create the best communication solutions you never thought of yourself and to help build brands to achieve their final goals.

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