Campaign Spotlight

Campaign Spotlight: For the Woman Who Leads Her Life as She Wants, Cacharel & Publicis Luxe Deliver #YesIAm

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PARISCacharel Fragrances and Publicis Luxe have joined forces to celebrate young women with a free and modern generational anthem to launch the new fragrance Fabulous from the Yes I Am collection.

For Yes I Am, Publicis Luxe has designed a campaign that invites everyone to express themselves and share what they love about themselves, their daily lives and their moods of the moment, by completing this simple message: Yes I Am …



Created with women who perfectly represent this generation that frees itself from rules without seeking to impose new ones, the Yes I Am experience puts this generational energy front and center: the film, testimonials and social activations are all invitations to a freedom of self-expression, an exploration of one’s uniqueness, a celebration of each person’s complexity.

Actress, YouTuber and entrepreneur Shay Mitchell, the brand’s new muse, launched the teasing campaign. On her platforms, she has gradually revealed her role in the campaign as well as details on the new fragrance in the collection: Fabulous. In a series of posts mixing moments of fantasy with deeper testimonials, she gradually unveils details on the fragrance, the campaign’s message and her participation in the project…



Her Yes I Am squad also features muses from several countries whose diverse talent and strength of character perfectly embody this limitless generation:

Mademoiselle Gloria (@gloria_nbr) a French influencer with a contagious energy who defends body-positivism…
Rachel Tee-Tyler (@rachelteetyler) Filipino-Australian psychology and gender studies student and street style blogger
Marta Lozano (@martalozanop) Spanish make-up junkie and influencer
Cajsa Wessberg (@cajsawessberg) illustrator, model and “Sweden’s Biggest Beauty Rebel” according to Vogue

A series of testimonials posted on Instagram and YouTube provide each squad member with a platform to share her versions of Yes I Am – what makes her special, what makes her strong – and invite the members of her community to express and celebrate their own strengths and desires.

The campaign film takes us through a day in the lives of this Yes I am squad as they move freely around the city and play with situations, codes, and contexts. Through a succession of Yes I Am statements, they impose their brand and reclaim each moment. The film was directed by So Me to the tune of Norman’s Feelin’ Good.

This campaign delivers a message of freedom, where each woman can declare her true self in her own way.

Manon Ergin, International Communication director, L’Oréal Designer Brands Fragrances

Director & Photographer: So Me (Iconoclast)
bureau d’exécution : Titem Mouici pour Kind Paris
Photographer BTS : Eric Mercier (Dacor Productions)
Director of Interviews: Vincent Munch (Dacor Productions)
Post-Production: Thomas Guérin (Prodigious)

Music: “Feelin Good” by Norman

Creative Director: Aurélien Nauleau
Creative team: François Pannelier, Adrien Tourneux, Gautier Renault
Sales team: Alexandra Dupy, Anaïs Gruet
Strategy: Nicolas Pochitaloff


About the Author

Theda Braddock is an American who lives and works in Paris. She helps agencies develop their communication and promote creativity, and writes for several publications when she has time.

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