Campaign Spotlight

Campaign Spotlight: Stella Artois Changes its Name for the First Time in 600 Years to Honor its First Female CEO in 1726

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SÃO PAULO, BRAZIL – The Stella Artois beer is changing its name in March in an effort to highlight the important role of Isabella Artois, who became the brewery’s CEO following the death of her husband in 1726, a time when female business leaders were uncommon.

Isabella is the cornerstone upon which Stella Artois has built its entire history. In her honor, the beer brand will change its name for the first time in more than 600 years. A special edition is going to carry Isabella’s name, including across the brand’s social channels. All to kick off a movement to recognize inspiring women around the world, from great historical figures to women working behind the scenes to help make a difference to women who have played a key role in supporting the brand’s consumers in their life paths. 


“Isabella played an essential role in bringing Stella Artois to where it is today. Her influence on society came when she became the brewery’s CEO, before this role even existed, playing in an arena where women were unheard of,” says Bruna Buás, Head of Marketing, Stella Artois in Brazil.  

“If women don’t have it easy in business today, try to imagine the things Isabella came up against in 1726,” says Renata Wirthmann, General Head of Account, CP+B Brazil. “The idea of a name change for Stella was born out of the desire to recognize her pioneering role and help create a movement that inspires other women with Isabell’s example of strength and courage,” adds Wirthmann. The “She inspires” concept is the basis of the campaign and it integrates content, social, influencer and POS efforts. 




Title: Isabella Artois


Client: AMBEV


CCO: André Kassu and Marcos Medeiros

Creative Director: Marcelo Rizério and Rodrigo Visconti

Creative Team: Amanda Losi, Camilla Lopes, Carolina Heer, Rodrigo Rocha and Vinny Couto

RTVC: Ana Paula Casagrande and Fabíola Camilo

Art Buyer: Valeria Andrighetti

Planner: Rafael Lavor, Daniel Kolb and Julia Garcia

Account: Renata Wirthmann, Guilherme Grigol, Amanda Gomes and Victor Laureano

Media: Tiago Santos, Renata Andrade, Germano de Oliveira, Bruna Guise, Mariane Aquino and Bernard Xavier

Graphic Design: Robson Ciaramicoli, Marcio Santos and Leonardo Fioravante

Social: Paulo Yanaguizawa

Production Company: Boiler Filmes

Director: Mayra Ferro and Kaká Gonçalves

Director of Photography: André Faccioli

Executive Producer: Gabriel Dagostini

Account at Production Company: Priscilla Sanches, Rachel Buzzoleti and Rebeca Broncher

Editing: Ricardo Quintela

Post Production Company: Célula

Post Producer: Fezão Barbieri

Sound Company: Satélite Áudio

Account at Production Company Produtora: Juliana Costa / Tatiane Ferreira

Conductor: Kito Siqueira / Roberto Coelho

Voice Over: Juliana Calderon

Production Company: Equipe Satélite Áudio

Client Approval: Ricardo Dias, Bruna Buas, Lucas Oliveira and Adriana Parnes

Partner with adobo Magazine

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