Campaign Spotlight

Campaign Spotlight: The knitted coffee of Christmas doers, Finnish coffee brand Juhla Mokka knits joy

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HELSINKI, FINLAND – It may come as a surprise for many, that Finnish people consume more coffee per capita than any nation in the world. Juhla Mokka coffee, the market leader in Finland, wanted to delight the nation in the times of pandemic with a joyful Christmas campaign. This year even the outdoor advertisements are dressed for the occasion.

Now that people are spending more time at home, the popularity of knitting and DIY projects has increased tremendously. Together with SEK, a creative agency that’s part of the GREY group, Juhla Mokka wanted to create an entire campaign around a soft knit theme. This year, the beloved Juhla Mokka coffee is wearing knitwear on its packaging, in its TV ads and even on its outdoor ads dressed in festive hand-knitted outfits.


“As a coffee of doers, Juhla Mokka has always been the brand to take a stand for making things. Knitting is something that is very universal and also Finnish at the same time. It’s amazing what you can create from a yarn of wool with your own hands – even a real knitted outdoor ad,” SEK’s senior creative Adele Enersen states.

Now two outdoor advertising spaces in Helsinki city centre are dressed in festive Juhla Mokka knitwear, pushing the boundaries of traditional outdoor advertising executions. The ads are knit by highly skilled designers and knitters, in collaboration with a Finnish yarn manufacturer Novita.


The leading coffee brand in Finland – charm that has lasted over 90 years

Almost every other cup of coffee enjoyed in Finland is Juhla Mokka coffee. In Finland, having coffee is an important social encounter for many, but it is also associated strongly as a reward after doing something. Coffee breaks are even stated in some Finnish labor agreements, which might explain why 91% of Finns drink coffee at least one time a day.

This Christmas Juhla Mokka did not just come up with a new package but joined forces with Finnish yarn manufacturer Novita to create a red Juhla Mokka wool yarn and a unique wool sock knitting pattern – and knitters across Finland have immediately fallen in love with it.

– The older you get, the more you start appreciating soft Christmas presents like handmade wool socks. At the morning, when you are drinking your coffee, you often wear wool socks in wintertime, sometimes even all year round. Together with Juhla Mokka, we wanted to support people in creating precious wool socks on their own and bring this beautiful pattern to the streets of Helsinki as well, Enersen adds.

For 90 years, Finns have enjoyed the quality and taste of Juhla Mokka coffee. As the most sold coffee in Finland, the brand is known for its ability to evolve with time. Each year the consumers are eagerly waiting for the renewed Christmas packaging and this year the new appearance was announced with a little twist, surprising consumers during the Christmas time in the streets of Helsinki.

Read more here.

Advertised brands: Juhla Mokka
Advert title: The Knitted Coffee of Christmas Doers
Advertising Agency: SEK | PART OF GREY
Art Director: Samuel Räikkönen
Copywriter: Adele Enersen

Designer: Maija Tiiri
Project Director: Tanja Valo
Account Director: Mari Saluri
Additional credits: Novita
Published: 12/2020

Partner with adobo Magazine

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