
Insight: edamama shares the importance of intentional parenting in this next normal

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MANILA, PHILIPPINES — There’s no denying the effects of the pandemic on an individual; what more for parents who have to think about the whole family’s welfare? The pandemic has brought new challenges in parenting, and with the end not yet in sight for this global health crisis, parents might still be wondering what it would be like for them when the next normal finally comes.

E-commerce platform edamama hosted its first-ever Online Family Expo earlier this month with the theme “Parenting In The Next Normal.” Thousands of Filipino parents and children tuned into sessions that provided valuable insights on intentional parenting in the aspects of child care and development, health, wellness, education, and home life, while shopping for mom and baby essentials from over 200 brands.

edamama invited professionals in healthcare, education, and child development to talk about intentional parenting and how it can help parents navigate the next normal. Here are the key takeaways from the engaging and insightful talks:


Prioritize Mental Health 

Parents wear many hats at home, which often results in feelings of mom guilt, anxiety, and fatigue. By prioritizing mental health, we erase its being “taboo” and set an example to our children that it’s okay to feel negative emotions. 

Psychologist Raffy Inocencio of Better Steps Psychology advises parents to sit with their emotions, accept them, then take a step back to say: “Stop blaming yourself.” He also suggests reaching out to your mama tribe and accepting help when it is offered. “It helps us get over the shame or self-doubt that settles in,” he adds. 


Make Home Your Child’s First School 

While some countries have gone back to face-to-face learning, long-time educator Nicole Concepcion-Inocencio believes it may not be an option in the Philippines for at least two years. What does that mean for our children’s education?

Online schooling seems to be the most viable option for the time being, but that doesn’t necessarily mean formal education. Dr. Donna Simpao of the Homeschool Association of the Philippine Islands (HAPI) noted that in homeschooling, “the parent takes on the full responsibility of overseeing the education of their children.” 

After thinking about what type of education you want your children to experience, the reflection should now shift to what kind of education effectively suits your child’s style of learning? At the end of the day, go back to the idea of being an attentive and intentional parent—revisit what education means to you and take a step back from what is traditionally done. 

Embrace Hybrid 

In the next normal, many companies, organizations, and schools are planning to go hybrid, in which remote set-up is complemented with face-to-face interaction. After being at home for over a year now, many sectors have realized that doing things from home works. In the next normal, this new form of work, learning, health, and wellness may just be the norm. 

Going hybrid will need a number of adjustments from families, given the limitations of working from home. These include smaller spaces to work and added responsibilities for parents to monitor their children. However, it can also bring about opportunities, such as spending more time with one another and getting more things done while at home.

According to Present Parenting Solutions founder Liway Tayag, being present and intentional with your children instills the values they need to become better people altogether, making them ready for hybrid education. 

The edamama Online Family Expo started the conversation on the importance of intentional parenting in the next normal. With many more questions to be answered, edamama aims to help parents and families transition smoothly past the pandemic through Your Guide to Parenting in the Next Normal, a comprehensive guide for parents in ensuring the wellbeing of their family and themselves, no matter what comes next.

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