Campaign Spotlight

Campaign Spotlight: Wunderman Thompson South Asia’s film ‘Humse Roshan Hindustan’ for Exide, lights up the little everyday moments of life

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KOLKATA, INDIA — Wunderman Thompson, South Asia’s film for Exide Inverter Batteries, ‘Humse Roshan Hindustan’ helps Exide rightfully assert its position as India’s No.1 inverter battery and the impact it has on the lives of people across the nation. The power backup market is fiercely competitive with entrenched and emerging brands aggressively fighting for a share of the pie.

The new commercial from Exide emphatically establishes its unmatched scale, omnipresence, and dominance in the category. Slice-of-life moments brought alive through a mélange of emotions, potpourri of characters across cultures and diverse narratives all strung together with a melodious inspiring refrain of ‘Look within yourself to find the light– and where there is light, there is life’ (translated from Hindi) make this film human yet magical.


The film brings to life how a big brand like Exide Inverter Battery stands by even the smallest neighborhood store, start-up business, and families – lighting up aspirations and big dreams, epitomizing the credo of noblesse oblige that defines the brand. It applauds human achievement, the joy of living, celebrates warmth, laughter, caring, and fellow feeling, and presents Exide Inverter Battery as a brand that spreads happiness by empowering people and brightening their lives.

Commenting on the film, Vijay Jacob, Sr. VP & Managing Partner, Wunderman Thompson Kolkata, said, “If there is one brand that can truly claim a national presence and recognition, it is Exide. It has undisputed leadership not just in sales but also in consumers’ minds. The film captures a cross-section of India and Indians as Exide brightens up their lives – literally and metaphorically. And in turn, brightens the future of India. It is emotional, it has scale. It is the language of a leader.”


Arjun Mukherjee, VP& ECD, Wunderman Thompson Kolkata, who conceptualized and scripted the film, added, “The challenge for us was to throw light on a leader in a way, that’s full of empathy, joy and exuberance. An idea brought alive by little everyday moments that not only brighten up our life but lifts the spirit of this nation as a whole.”

Created by Wunderman Thompson and directed by Shlok Sharma from Absolute Productions, the campaign was released on April 1, 2021 and is running on leading national & regional TV channels as well as on digital media.


Vijay Jacob, Senior VP and Managing Partner

Pinaki Bhattacharya, SVP and National Planning Director
Rishabh Parikh, Planning Director

Arjun Mukherjee, VP and Executive Creative Director
Anurag Acharya, Creative Director (Copy)
Diptanshu Roy, Senior Creative Director
Sourish Mitra, Creative Supervisor

Account Management
Tania Sinha, AVP & Client Services Director
Sreemoyee Chakraborty, Account Director

Partner with adobo Magazine

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