Campaign SpotlightPress Release

Nescafé Sunrise and Dentsu Creative Webchutney showcase commitment to coffee farmers

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MUMBAI, INDIA NESCAFÉ Sunrise and creative agency Dentsu Creative Webchutney have launched a campaign to celebrate coffee farmers and honor their dedication and relentless efforts in growing coffee. The campaign pays tribute to the love and commitment with which these farmers work in their fields to grow high-quality coffee. It also highlights their association with Nestlé agronomists, who work closely with these farmers as part of the NESCAFÉ Plan.

The NESCAFÉ Plan, introduced in India in 2012, goes beyond coffee. It aims to develop good agricultural practices, sustainably manage landscapes, and enhance biodiversity in coffee farms. It blends valuable traditional knowledge of coffee cultivation with modern scientific practices to aid the sustainable growth of coffee in the region. Nestlé India works closely with around 5,000 coffee farmers in Karnataka, Tamil Nadu, and Kerala through the NESCAFÉ Plan.

Sunayan Mitra, Director of Coffee and Beverages Business at Nestlé India, said, “Behind every delightful cup of Nescafé, there are coffee farmers whose hard work and dedication contribute to the exceptional taste of our coffee. On International Coffee Day, we paid tribute to these remarkable farmers by sharing their stories on our jars and through this beautiful campaign crafted with love by our teams at Nestlé and Dentsu Creative Webchutney. The coffee farmers are the backbone for our NESCAFÉ Plan. They have helped us gain immense consumer love and trust for our brands by upholding the safety and quality of our products. This campaign is a homage to their perseverance and dedication, and I hope that it will be appreciated by our consumers.”


Vidya Sankar, Senior Vice President at Dentsu Creative Webchutney, added, “This campaign is centred on the hard work of coffee farmers and the collaborative work between Nestlé India and the coffee famers. It also shines the spotlight on the contributions made by coffee farmers to our society and how they impact the consumer’s experience while they enjoy a delicious cup of Nescafé Sunrise. Set amidst verdant green coffee plantations in Coorg, the film is an ode to every coffee farmer, the backbone of the coffee industry.”

The film was directed by George Antoney and produced by Kadhai Films.

As a part of the campaign, NESCAFÉ Sunrise has released five new packs with pictures of five coffee farmers from the coffee-growing region in Karnataka, who are a part of the NESCAFÉ Plan. These packs also have a QR Code. Once scanned, these QR codes further narrate the stories of these farmers and their journey with Nestlé India.

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