Goodbye, Grace Marci

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PHILIPPINES, AUGUST 9 , 2010 – Grace Marci, BrandLab Strategic Planning director, former creative director at Lowe Jakarta and Manila, and sometime adobo contributor, passed away on August 8, 2010 after a short but valiant fight with leukemia and uterine cancer. She is survived by two daughters, Mia and Mica.
In a message to close friends, Mia wrote: "Mom went peacefully, with her close friends and family praying over her. Her body was then taken for cremation at Loyola Memorial in Guadalupe, sent off with boxes of her favorite Bizu dark chocolate almonds, pictures of Mica and I from our European trip, her Moleskine notebooks, and her DVD copy of ‘Mamma Mia’ the musical movie. Her body was lovingly wrapped in her favorite beach sarongs, because she’s at her happiest at the beach.
"Mom has asked for any ceremony involving her remains to be kept among intimate friends and colleagues. Mom was often described as a private person who hated crowds, so we would like her ‘resting’ to be consistent with her character.
"But in honor of her legacy, and for the many people who loved and supported her and the family, we will be putting together a memorial service around the end of the month."
The memorial service celebrating Grace’s legacy will be on Wednesday, August 11, 2010 at 5F Skyland Hall, Skyland Condo on Gil Puyat Avenue (near Makati Post Office) at 7PM.

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