
adobo SERIES: A “Nothing is Impossible” Spirit from Ace Saatchi & Saatchi’s President Mio Chongson

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MANILA, PHILIPPINES— As part our International Women’s Month tribute in adobo magazine, we talked to ad agency leaders, of which many are women, to tell us how they view the future of the ad industry: what’s the most exciting emerging area, the risk and threats to the industry, and their fearless predictions.

A barometer and dip stick into the ad business as seen from remarkable women leaders, after traversing their business through a full year in lockdown due to the pandemic. Let us hear what they have to say. #adoboSheCreativeNetwork

What is the most exciting emerging area or skill that agency leaders are looking for today?

We’ve always valued entrepreneurial mindsets- not just from our business and planning teams, but even from the creative teams. The pivot towards that kind of mindset- when everyone in the team is wired to think of opportunities where the agency can play a more valuable role to help our clients’ business – is what is critical for us.


Our teams are geared to work with that mindset because they have acquired the capability to combine great ideas with data, technology, and user experience, and when fused together, allows us to offer more end-to-end solutions to clients.

What are the pivots that agencies need to make it in the next few years?

We need to work closely with our client partners in their digital transformation, to find solutions that will make their brands more relevant to consumers’ lives. For example we know that consumers are gravitating towards products and services that help them each day of their lives. While we continue to believe in the power of the ideas, we are pivoting towards delivering more end-to-end solutions that complete a positive consumer experience with the brands – at every point of interaction, from awareness to engagement and retention. This involves strong collaboration between Ace Saatchi and our subsidiary, Make Technology.

What is the biggest risk or threat that the industry and ad people are facing?

The ad industry has proven to be resilient and adaptive to the evolving dynamics of marketing. The current threat I see is the prolonged halt in business normalcy, given the uncertainty of our country’s recovery. It is very difficult to sustain the momentum, when there are a lot of variables that we cannot control.

What is your fearless prediction about the ad industry’s future an evolution in the next 10 years?

Ad agencies will play a more vital role in clients’ businesses- as it’s happening now, we have gone beyond providing solutions on communications, our role has evolved into that of a business consultant with end-to-end solutions. From strategy, branding, communications and content generation, to building their digital platforms. I see the role of ad agencies as crucial in helping especially the small and medium businesses which have more flexibility and openness to start or even revamp their systems. These businesses are the main drivers of the economy, and if we can help them, I am excited to see the potential of the ad industry in further helping the country.

Do you have any advice for students who want to enter the field?

Beyond advertising -specific skills, we are in the look-out for people who have the “Nothing is Impossible “ spirit that the Ace Saatchi culture espouses. If in their school experiences they have exhibited this kind of attitude, that is definitely a good starting point for the conversation.

About Mio Chongson

Mio Chongson is the President of Ace Saatchi & Saatchi and Make Technology. Ace Saatchi is one of the biggest communications solution agency while Make Technology is a UX and innovations agency that helps brands deliver great user experiences from digital platforms.

With over 30 years in advertising, Mio’s extensive advertising career is built solidly on her strength in client management and deep passion for brand building.

Apart from her management positions in her previous agencies, she has undertaken leadership roles for the development of the advertising and creative industry by serving as Chairperson of the Association of Accredited Advertising Agencies of the Philippines (4As), Chairperson for Philippines 4As Agency of the Year Awards, Jury Chairperson of the most critically-acclaimed 2016 Metro Manila Film Festival (MMFF), Mancom member and judge in various industry creative and effectiveness awards.

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