
adobo FOI 2019: Astrophysicist-Turned-Data Scientist Reina Reyes Explores How Space Connects Us All For This adobo Festival of Ideas 2019

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MANILA — Reina Reyes of Ayala Corporation will be joining us for the fifth adobo Festival of Ideas on this coming December 5, 2019 at the Newport Performing Arts Theater, Resorts World Manila, with a one-day program dedicated to the dissection and holistic understanding of The Connectivity Economy”, as this year’s festival theme.

This year’s adobo Festival of Creativity will take a look at how the modern economy is fueled by collaboration over competition, and the role creative and innovative thinking plays in achieving business and sustainability goals. It explores the worlds created when industries and sectors intersect, converge, and collaborate. It is also set to look at how the cyclic relationships between these sectors would shape the future of the world and transform it.

Back when she was a Princeton University graduate, Reina Reyes first made headlines when she won an achievement award for her research on her work on proving Einstein’s general relativity theory. Since then, Reyes has come back to the Philippines to carve her own niche with the local resources. For a while she did research with the Manila Observatory while maintaining a teaching job at the Ateneo de Manila University, eventually moving into data science, a field that combines programming, math, statistics and other disciplines to get insights from different forms of data.


Reyes’ curiosity for the science started young. She entered Philippine Science High School with Physics piquing her interest, which brought her to take Physics in Ateneo. Soon after, Reyes got a scholarship for a diploma course on High Energy Physics in Italy and did research at the Abdus Salam International Centre for Theoretical Physics (ICTP), an institution founded by the Noel Laureate Abdus Salam to advance scientific pursuits in the developing world. Her work at ICTP eventually helped her get a recommendation to Princeton University. From 2006 to 2011, her life revolved around her Ph.D. work on Astrophysics. 

In 2010, the young astrophysicist confirmed Einstein’s theory on general relativity on a cosmic scale. After a successful stint at Princeton, she worked for three years as a research fellow at the Kavli Institute for Cosmological Physics in the University of Chicago.

For her session How Space Connects Us All, Reyes will be discussing on how Space and Infrastructure have changed the game, making way for the new space age. With the democratization of space, it is now within reach for private companies and emerging economies like the Philippines. Thousands of orbiting satellites shape our lives on Earth— from navigation to communication, astronomy to agriculture, hazard mapping to asset monitoring. Touring the Moon, living in Mars, and mining asteroids are no longer science fiction.


Tickets are available at PHP 5,000 at regular price and PHP 2,000 for students. There’s also a group package of 10+1 tickets for PHP 50,000. For further inquiries, reach out to the adobo FOI team through our website at www.adobofestivalofideas.com or shoot an email to events@adobomagazine.com, or call up (+632) 884 50218. 

The adobo Festival of Ideas is sponsored by the following:
Co-Presenter: Jollibee
Minor Sponsor: ASUS Expert Series
Snacks and Coffee Sponsor: Oishi, Red Ribbon, Hineleban
Venue Partner: Resorts World Manila
Production and Logistics Partner: ArtisteSpace
Video Graphics Partner: Acid House 
Sound Design Production Partner: Hit Productions, Inc.
Ticketing Partner: Ticket World, Ticket2Me

Partner with adobo Magazine

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