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Arthur Sadoun to replace Maurice Levy as Chairman & CEO of Publicis Groupe

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PARIS – After a thorough analysis by the Nominating Committee, Elisabeth Badinter, committee president and chair of Supervisory Board and Maurice Levy, Publicis Groupe has appointed Arthur Sadoun as the successor of Levy as Chairman & CEO.

“The highly respected professional qualities of Arthur Sadoun, his unique understanding of clients and their needs, his accomplishments both during his time at Publicis Groupe and before, and his human qualities, all make him the prime candidate,” said Badinter.

“I have known Arthur for many years. We have worked very closely together. He is a seasoned professional with an inspiring vision of our industry and of our clients’ needs. He knows them well, he understands them well and he knows how to deliver the solutions and services they need to grow, develop and transform by selecting the best talent. He has the intelligence, the energy and the passion necessary to master our trade in a connected world that is changing and evolving constantly. He’s also a man with admirable human qualities. It is all this together that will drive him, with the help of his team, to lead the Groupe on the path to success and to rise above any obstacle. In handing him the “keys to the future”, (as Marcel Bleustein-Blanchet, the founder of Publicis said to me) the Supervisory Board has made an excellent choice. I have every confidence,” shared Lévy.


To assist in the succession, Lévy has been nominated to join the Supervisory Board as chairman, “if the shareholders agree with my recommendation and that of the Supervisory Board at the next Annual General Meeting,” commented Badinter. “Succession is never an easy task and this is the reason why I very much insisted that Maurice Lévy remain at our side to provide Arthur Sadoun with guidance in and recommendations for his difficult task.”

The proposal will be decided upon by the Groupe’s shareholders during the Annual General Meeting on May 31, 2017.

“Elisabeth Badinter has placed an enormous amount of trust in me by proposing I take over as Chairman of the Supervisory Board, for which I thank her deeply. In this position, if the shareholders so vote it, alongside the members of the Supervisory Board, I will do my very best to accompany the new team who, under Arthur’s leadership, I am sure, will go above and beyond to take Publicis Groupe even higher,” said Lévy.

Sadoun will be officially taking over on June 1, 2017. He will be presiding over the Management Board strengthened by the arrival of Steve King, currently CEO of Publicis Media, joining current board members Jean-Michel Etienne, Executive Vice President– CFO, and Anne-Gabrielle Heilbronner, Secretary General.

“Leading the company founded by visionary Marcel Bleustein-Blanchet and made into a global communications leader by Maurice Lévy is an immense honor and an incredible challenge. A challenge that I’ll meet with open arms, thanks to the continued contribution of Maurice’s wisdom and experience, and the support of Steve King, the Management Board and the talented individuals who make up Publicis Groupe,” shared Sadoun.

“Thanks to each of them, I’m taking on this new role with confidence, determination and one objective in mind: accelerating our transformation and development through The Power of One to continue to make Publicis shine like Marcel and Maurice have done for the past 90 years.”

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