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Botafogo fights racism with ‘The Inverted Jersey’

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In response to the racist acts that have been occurring in sport matches all over the world, Botafogo, a Brazilian club that has worn black and white for over 100 years, inverted the colors of its traditional number one jersey and took the field as if nothing had happened. Afterwards, the players gathered for a photo and surprised everyone showing a banner revealing the message: If you didn’t notice the inverted jersey, it’s because color makes no difference at all.

The stunt was the third most tweeted topic during Botafogo’s match, even shared by their rivals.  A proof that in the fight against racism there are no opposite sides, we are one. 


The Inverted Jersey from Agência Africa on Vimeo.


Title: The Inverted Jersey
Client: Botafogo de Futebol e Regatas
Product: Institutional
Agency: Africa 
Executive Creative Director: Sergio Gordilho
Projects Creative Director: Evandro Soares
Creative Directors: Sergio Gordilho / Andrea Siqueira / Jeferson Rocha
Copywriter: Henrique Zirpoli 
Art Directors: Ivan Loos / Jeferson Rocha / Sergio Gordilho
Project Creative: Evandro Soares
Project Producer: Mauricio Gessulli
Client Service:  Marcio Santoro/ Evandro Soares / Ivan Loos/ Fabiana Ganut
Digital Producer: Guilherme Levy
Digital Production: Webcore
Print Production: Carla Lustosa / Edson Harada
TV Production: Rodrigo Ferrari / Leonardo Damasceno
Production Company: Conspiracao
Directors: Daniel Lieff / Gabriel Ghidalevich
DOP: Joao Padua
Editing: Renato Itaboray / Daniela Paiva / Murilo Cod
Post production: Conspiracao
Sound Production: S de Samba
Approved by (client): Daniel Gastaldoni

Partner with adobo Magazine

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