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Insight: How Southeast Asia will Celebrate in the New Normal Festivities according to InMobi

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SINGAPORE – Starting this month, Southeast Asia is host to a four-month Festive period marked by celebrations, ceremonies, get-togethers, and shopping! But, one thing seems to be evident, the consumer’s primary device – mobile, remains their constant companion.

With the festive season right around the corner, cloud marketing company InMobi has insights on what marketers in Southeast Asia can look forward to in the next few months:

First Stop: Harbolnas in Indonesia

  • 92 percent of consumers have changed their buying habits this year, be it buying online or trying a new store/brand
  • 87 percent of digital buyers in Indonesia are shopping on their smartphones

Now Arriving: Christmas in Philippines

  • 87 percent of holiday shoppers will be on the lookout of sales and bargains during the holidays
  • Most online transactions will happen on mobile during Black Friday Sale and 12.12 sale

The Next Festive Gala: TET in Vietnam

  • 59 percent of consumers plan to use their smartphones for TET 2021 shopping
  • 64 percent Vietnamese plan to spend more than VND 10 million on TET shopping

Final Destination: Chinese New Year in Malaysia

  • 70 percent of respondents plan to spend more than MYR1000 CNY shopping
  • 69 percent customers are going to use mobile for their festive purchase


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