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MAGNONTBWA goes pan-India, opens Bangalore operations

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BANGALORE – Digital media agency MAGNON\TBWA has expanded into southern India, with the launch of its Bangalore office. Adding to the agency’s full-service offices in Delhi and Mumbai, this move will make MAGNON\TBWA one of the very few digital agencies to have a pan-India presence.

MAGNON\TBWA, part of the TBWA\India Group, offers fully-integrated, 360-degree advertising, plus digital solutions to its south India clients. The agency has successfully implemented this model in both Delhi and Mumbai.

Vineet Bajpai, TBWA\India’s Group Chief Executive Officer commented, “This is a very important step towards the growth of TBWA in India. Encouraged by our full-spectrum digital marketing and technology capabilities, and by our sustained growth over the last quarter, we are aggressively expanding our domestic presence to keep pace with growing client demands.”


Bajpai added: “MAGNON\TBWA alone employs over 200 digital professionals, and given the excellent talent pool for marketing and technology services in Bangalore, I am sure this number will soon go up.”

In addition to expanding it’s digital footprint, the agency has appointed Pradeep Nair as Vice President of MAGNON\TBWA Bangalore.

With over 15 years of experience in the integrated marketing space, Nair has worked with multiple agency networks including Ogilvy One, Bates 141, TBWA\TEQUILA, Havas Worldwide, and most recently, Digitas Singapore.


“MAGNON\TBWA is an agency I always wanted to be a part of,” said Nair. “I look forward to working with the team and sharing the vision of offering best-in-class digital marketing solutions and services to existing and new clients in this market.”

The MAGNON\TBWA Bangalore team will join the existing TBWA agency in the city.

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