
Audi launches real-time, interactive billboard with ‘One Million Reasons’ microsite

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GLOBAL – NETHERLANDS, AUGUST 26, 2013 – Audi, together with Razorfish Germany and creative production company Minegas, has launched the user-generated content ‘One Million Reasons’ microsite, depicting one million reasons people love Audi, as a thank you to fans of the brand. 
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The concept was presented by Razorfish Germany to Audi, and was delivered by Minivegas,which manages the WebGL technical production for the campaign. Both were tasked with creating an interactive and engaging web unique experience, allowing Audi to discover how it can reward its fans.
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The core of the experience is a 3D model of the latest Audi R8, generated from individual, spherical particles
created using WebGL technology. Each individual sphere represents a reason for loving Audi.Fans can share why they love Audi by uploading and tagging text and images using the hashtag #onemillionreasons. Whenever a fan does this, information is gathered and visualized in the 3D space. Consumers can then find their unique, one in a million, particle of the model and share this visualized as a piece of art via their social media channels, or keep it as a wallpaper.  
This campaign also gives fans a chance to win an Audi R8 drive.Maarten Boon, creative director and partner of Minivegas, said,“The biggest challenge for us on this project was to combine real-time, social media generated content with the slick and sexy visuals that you would associate with an automotive campaign.”
“We see interactive billboards as a strong trend in the future, both online and offline.  This campaign demonstrates that it is possible to create something uniquely relevant to each member of your target audience, whilst refusing to compromise on premium design values," added Boon.
Agency: Razorfish Germany
Production company: Minivegas
Social Aggregation : Crafted Razorfish
Creative Director: Carsten Lindstedt
Social Strategist: Kathrin Stieler
Art Director: Frank Lazik, Malte Gruhl
Screen Designer: Julian Kraske, Paul Svoboda
Concept Developer: Anna Dressler, Frank Vogler, Lena Felixberger
Account Manager: Nina Peis
Project Manager: Lukas Kammerer
Technical Director: Chrizz Gelbach
Frontend Development: Martin Krause, Pascal Knoske
Creative Director: Maarten Boon
Executive Producer:  Brian Bourke
Lead Developer: Daniel Lewis
Lead 3D Artist: Sergio Pinto

Partner with adobo Magazine

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