AUCKLAND, NEW ZEALAND — Colenso BBDO has pitched and won New Zealand’s on-demand delivery service Delivereasy. The agency, which won the business in July, wasted no time developing and deploying a new brand platform and visual identity for the company. Shortly after launching the new branding, 17 people at Delivereasy got tattoos.

Jean Mexted, Head of Marketing, said: “Delivereasy was born to defy the category and to truly connect with the people who use our service. Colenso didn’t just understand us, they captured the spirit of who we are. Our next stage of growth comes from investing and dedicating ourselves to being the best on-demand delivery service in the country. But it also comes from creating a world-class brand. The proof of how right Colenso got it can be seen permanently inked into the skin of some people in the business.”
The new positioning, “Leave a better taste in your mouth,” distills what makes the company different from the rest. Unlike the other guys, Delivereasy is New Zealand-owned – enabling them to build authentic relationships with restaurant owners and hungry people. First launched in 2016, their willingness to challenge the category and go where others don’t has earned them a loyal following.
“Delivereasy are fully committed to being the best at what they do. They’re all in. Some of them got tattoos. We’re so excited to go on this mission with them. Just to recap, they got tattoos.” shared Si Vicars, Chief Creative Officer at Colenso BBDO.
The brand’s new design is being rolled out across all touchpoints and will be followed by a launch campaign in the coming months.