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Brand & Business: Propel Manila launches Modern Day Leaves and expands mental health programs

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MANILA, PHILIPPINES – True to its mantra of Ideas That Matter, Propel Manila launches new programs that are truly for the ones that matter: The people. Newest on the lineup are important leave privileges called Modern Day Leaves. Born out Propel Manila’s desire to be a workplace where diverse talents can freely express themselves, explore new passions, and take care of important responsibilities, Modern Day Leaves banner National Duty Leave, Try Something New Leave, Gender Reassignment Leave, and COVID-19 Vaccine Leave. 

National Duty Leave is intended to support any national advocacy or civic duty like voter’s registration or advocating for human rights. 


Try Something New Leave is designed to encourage talents to nurture creativity and pursue new passions.

Gender Reassignment Leave supports talents who finally want to transition into their true selves through a reassignment surgery.

COVID-19 Vaccine Leave is for all talents who want to take the vaccine for themselves, their loved ones, and the community.


On top of these leaves, Propel Manila has always been a champion of mental health. Launched in 2019, the Mind Matters Program intends to foster an inclusive and open environment that supports the talent’s mental health. With benefits like Mental Health Card (that gives talents free access to consultations), Annual Mental Health Check (like annual physical exam but for the mind), Mind Day (a day a month where everyone rests their mind), Propel Manila revitalizes and strengthens its Mind Mattes Program this year to cover important aspects in the life of its people.

Mental Health Card Plus. Extending mental health care privileges to our talent’s loved ones. Because who matters to our talents, matters to us too. 

Personal Life Coach. Aiming for a balanced mindset, the Agency has also created  a program thats designed to guide and motivate their talents with their work/life goals.

Personal Physical Trainer. Because a sound body contributes to a sound mind, they now have a personalized program thats designed to help their talents reach their ultimate fitness goals.

It has been our conscious decision to always put our people first because we know that taking good care of our people, takes good care of the business too, says Maureen Valenzuela, Propel Manilas Chief Culture Officer. We continue to anchor these people-programs on what truly matters to us —  investing in our peoples well-being and cultivating their growth, as it leads us closer to our mission of creating ideas that matter,” she adds.

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