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D&AD 2020: 16 Asian entries among 150 shortlisted as D&AD reveals finalists for first three categories — Impact, Side Hustle, and Film Craft

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LONDON, UK — British educational charity Design and Art Direction or D&AD has announced the shortlisted entries for categories across Impact, Side Hustle, and Film Craft.

The organization previously announced that it would continue with the awards program despite disruptions caused by the COVID-19 pandemic. However, entrants across these categories will have to wait until June 9 to find out whether they have won a Pencil, which will be announced digitally across the D&AD website and social channels.

The shortlist includes 16 Asian entries:


Across the categories, the top-ranking countries by the number of shortlisted entries are the United Kingdom (37 entries) and the United States (33 entries).

The top-ranking companies for these categories, by number of shortlisted entries are:

  • Apple, Iconoclast France and Jung von Matt AG – 6 entries each
  • Cossette – 5 entries
  • AMVBBDO, Droga5 (London and New York), Goodby Silverstein & Partners and Stink Films – 4 entries each

This shortlist announcement only includes 10 out of the total 34 categories. Further shortlists will be unveiled once the judging for each category closes, with subsequent category announcements scheduled for May 28, June 4, and September 2.


While hosting a 2020 ceremony is not possible due to coronavirus, D&AD will be announcing this year’s Pencil winners via their website and in a social campaign designed by Studio Dumbar.

D&AD also announced an official partnership with Adobe that will bring D&AD Awards 2020 and a selection of D&AD Festival keynotes to the creative community via Adobe Live from June onwards.

Adobe Presents: D&AD Awards will feature a series of panel discussions and Live Q&A interviews with the D&AD judges, as well as behind the work live talks with Pencil winners to explore the components of creative brilliance, uncover why the winning work was awarded and discover how it was made.

In addition, creative innovators will take to Adobe Live to present their D&AD Festival keynotes as part of an inspirational series of monthly talks from June to November to inspire, galvanize and drive forward creative thinking. A full schedule will be announced soon.

All 150 shortlisted pieces are showcased on the D&AD website





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