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Customer Loyalty 2014 ASEAN Conference to be held in Manila

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MANILA – On September 23, 2014, Metro Manila will play host to a regional conference focused on customer loyalty marketing. 

“Loyalty is becoming a broader, richer and more complex idea than in the past,” noted Mike Atkin, Chairman of Customer Strategy Network, and one of the featured speakers at the conference. 

“There has been a shift in focus from points and rewards, to technologies and engagement,” he said, “and an increasing focus on customer retention and lifecycle management.”


Speakers at the conference come from the Philippines, India, Hong Kong, and the U.K. Collectively, they have worked with over one hundred loyalty programs from around the world.

Noted Lassu founder, Jim Griffin: “Many conferences are organized on a sponsorship revenue model. What that means is that, as an attendee, you sometimes wonder whether the guy who is up there talking is there because his message is important, or merely because he paid to get that slot. We decided to break that paradigm with this conference. Every speaker was invited based on merit alone. We spent a lot of effort to assemble thought leaders whose insights we believe that you will genuinely value.”

Confirmed speakers include:

Mike Atkin, Chairman, Customer Strategy Network
Atkin is one of the most influential people in loyalty today, with more than twenty-five years’ experience in loyalty and customer management. He has been involved in the launch of eighty different loyalty programs and has published a benchmarking study of over sixty global customer loyalty platforms, including the leading providers and operators. Recent work includes development of multi-partner programs with Aimia (Nectar UK), American Express (Payback), and Malina (Russia). Atkin will discuss global trends in customer loyalty marketing, using a case-study approach.

Francisco de los Reyes, Professor, Statistics, University of the Philippines
De Los Reyes is a consultant for measurement science at Nielsen Media Research, SAS and McCann Worldgroup, among others, including a wide variety of marketing initiatives at top companies in the banking sector, FMCG and other verticals. Francisco will discuss emerging practices in customer segmentation.

Kunal Mohiuddin, Cofounder, Loyalty Prime
Mohiuddin has more than fifteen years in design and execution of loyalty programs and solutions. Based in India, he has been the architect of numerous enterprise-scale programs, located in over 85 countries and powering over 65 brands. He will discuss how loyalty platforms have evolved and will suggest capabilities to consider in the planning stage to ensure that a loyalty platform is future-ready.

Han Roxas Chua, Director, International Institute of Digital Marketing
Chua first began in 2003 as Director of the Java Wireless Competency Center at Ateneo de Manila University, which he still leads today. In 2006, he also founded BlueBlade Technologies, an enterprise that acts as a profit-seeking lab for innovations from Academe. Chua will discuss the specific competencies that are needed for marketing professionals today, in order to avoid blind spots in their ability to contribute as leaders, in today’s fast changing digital landscape.

Ed Pasion, Head, Loyalty Programs, Jollibee Food Group
Pasion has overall responsibility for loyalty program initiatives of Jollibee, Chowking, Greenwich, and Red Ribbon. In this role, he has been the architect of several first-in-the-Philippines innovations in customer loyalty marketing. Prior to working at Jollibee, Pasion held a variety of important roles, including Loyalty Marketing Head at Petron Corporation. Ed also has deep experience with gamification design for loyalty. He will share the steps and approach that he uses in designing or re-launching a loyalty program. For this, he will use the Jollibee HappyPlus Card as a case study.

Arthur Policarpio, Mobext
Policarpio is one of the architects of mobile value-added services in the Philippines, and was a pioneer of segmented marketing via SMS. Prior to leading Mobext in Asia Pacific, he was a co-founder of SnapWorx, Inc., one of the Philippines’ leading Filipino-owned digital marketing companies, specializing in search, social media marketing, and mobile marketing. Policarpio will review examples of best-in-class social-local-mobile marketing campaigns, and will discuss what makes them successful.

As a bonus, all conference attendees will also receive a free copy of The Loyalty Leap, by Bryan Pearson. In this book, Pearson contends that, after gathering and crunching customer data, most companies have little or no idea how to use it. They either let it go to waste or they even abuse it. In his book, Bryan shows a better way, explaining how successful marketers turn customer information into customer intimacy— and how intimacy is the key to long-term loyalty, growth, and profits.

Conference fees are P 9,900 through September 7. After that date, registration fees are P 10,900.

Customer Loyalty 2014 ASEAN Conference will be held on September 23, from 8:30 AM to 6:00 PM at the Bellevue Hotel Tower Ballroom, located in Alabang, just a short drive from Metro Manila, via the Skyway.

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