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How to survive Cannes Lions: A field guide for introverts by Pia Ocampo

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CANNES – If not for this year’s Masters of Creativity course, I would have passed on the Cannes Festival again. Its reputation for giant beach parties and global networking (shudder!) sounds more like a nightmare scenario than an invitation for an introvert/social nincompoop like me. But thankfully, I did survive the going (the heat though was another matter) and now realize that Cannes is worth it. So if you’re thinking of attending next year, from one introvert to another, here are some tips:

1. Find your quiet spot.

You will be overwhelmed by stimuli. Cannes is a marketplace of ideas and idea companies. One cannot shush a marketplace. So find yourself a quiet, comfortable base for when you find some extra time, or need a breather in between sessions & network socials. You will need this.


At the Balcony sections of the Grand Audi and Debussy, you can always grab a seat with buffer seats around you to spare. You can camp there to catch the talks you want, or sit in the darkened theater if you just want to mull.

2. Bring a sarong.

“I am not my job!” say it to yourself over and over, and remember what makes you a real person, not just an ad man. The industry din can drown out your inner thoughts. When you feel yourself gasping, remember that Cannes is a beach!


Take in some fresh air, get sand in your toes or sit and look towards the horizon. The beach behind the Palais, towards the Academy zone & the yachts tends to be occupied by vacationers rather than company parties. It’s as close to a dose of reality you can get in Cannes.

For a longer walk, hike down the Croisette away from the Palais & past Radisson Blu, for more “regular beach” vibes–vacationing families, locals playing beach volleyball or sweet old aunties lying happily in the sun.

3. Don’t Panic. You will know everyone’s name.

In case you do want to meet new people, it’s easier here because everyone’s wearing identification. Keep an eye out for people in the same agency network, or ask them about their interesting name or which country they came from. Keep a mental stack of cue cards with engaging topics to keep conversations going. Something about the talks or a topical bon mot. For this year, it was that couple spotted having sex on the red carpet. “Wasn’t that just crazy?! How did they even?”

4. Walk in late to avoid the lines.

There were 15,000 people in Cannes this year, maybe even more next year. Do not hyperventilate!

So steel yourself for lines to get into the talks & the awards shows. But if you’re terrified that the person in front or behind you might want to chit-chat, then don’t worry, you can afford to come in a bit late. They let the line in minutes before the talks start so you can sneak in once the line’s dissipated. Again, the balcony sections tend to be more spacious, so just head there.

5. People watch.

You may not want to be part of the crowd but it’s fun to observe. Imagine all kinds of creatives – tech, design, agency, production – coming from around the world and converging in one place. Plant yourself outside the Palais (you can sit on the cement planters, it’s just like college). There, I’d seen many a satisfied introvert watch a world of creatives go by.

About the Author: Pia Roxas Ocampo is the Executive Creative Director of Wunderman Manila

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