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PANAta Awards 2019: Search For Game Changers To Be Named as Brand Builder Champains, Extended Entries Date – May 3, 2019

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Now on its 11th year of championing brand building and honoring the brilliance of the people and organizations behind the industry’s most successful and exemplary brand-strengthening campaigns that engage consumers and add value to their lives, the PANAta Awards continues its search for game changers to be named as Brand Builder Champions!

With bigger, more successful and innovative campaigns launched last year, and the apparent growth of new brands entering the market vying for the PANAta Awards 2019 is expected to stir excitement and grit to win the PANAta recognition. Each winner will receive the PANAta Trophy whose design is a representation of Brand Builders’ legacy and relevance to the industry. Each corner and every side possesses a great meaning, where words exemplify PANAta’s values, ethics, and principles; and the colors signify the diverse personalities of the brand builders that bring to life extraordinary and novel works.

PANAta Awards Chairman, Mr. Jake Lugay, articulates that, “The PANAta is a league of its own. With its refreshed identity, it differs from other award-giving bodies in the marketing and advertising industries because this is about you, the people behind the thriving campaigns. It places high regard not solely on the masterpiece, but to the masters behind these creations who are advocates of truth in advertising, and who unceasingly elevate industry standard to a higher level.”


Join the ranks of PANAta’s Brand Builder Champions! Let your creativity and brand result speak for you, and make your mark in the following categories: Excellence in Marketing Innovation (brand executions that have incorporated new marketing styles or ridden in current trends to achieve respective objectives),  Excellence in Brand CSR (brand campaigns whose objective is to give back to the community or country), Excellence in Brand Positioning (brand executions that clearly showcase the brand strength, and solidify brand personality within the competing market), Excellence in Customer Empowerment (brand campaigns that aim to inspire consumers, empower the minorities and bind the brand promise to social issues), Excellence in Internal Communications (communications to employees or business or trade partners), and Brand Rookie of the Year (new brands that have entered the market in the past year and shown success in its launch based on criteria given).

Submission of entries through is until May 3. For inquiries, you may get in touch with Ms. Aileen Lucero of the PANA Secretariat at 8940474 or 8940012 or email her at

The promotion of the PANAta Awards 2019 is in partnership with the Kapisanan ng mga Brodkaster ng Pilipinas (KPB), Media Specialists Association of the Philippines (MSAP), Philippine Daily Inquirer, Adobo Magazine and Megamobile.

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