Philippine News

Saatchi veteran Matt Seddon launches start-up agency Silver Machine

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MANILA – After a successful career at the helm of several network agencies– Matt Seddon has founded his own agency, Silver Machine Digital Communications. 

The independent creative agency will be based in Manila, and promises to change the traditional ad agency model with its focus on ideas. 

“We’re not looking to be everything. Our single-minded focus is ideas. That’s what we do. So everyone who comes into the company, [their] single-minded focus is delivering big, business-building, shareable ideas,” Seddon told adobo.


“The second thing we do is delivering engagement plans. We say, ‘here’s your idea, we have your business, and here is the engagement plan, here is how we will take it above-the-line, digital, shopper marketing, PR, whatever it may be,” he said. 

Seddon sits as Silver Machine vice chairman, while his partner, P&G veteran Erwin Elechicon sits as chairman.

“This place is rocking. The fastest growing economy in Asia in 2013. 54 consecutive quarters of grwoth. Why wouldn’t you invest in the Philippines?”


Seddon, who is known as a Saatchi veteran after having led the network’s Malaysia, Vietnam, Philippines, and India offices, shared that while he doesn’t intend on taking anything from Saatchi–not even the people– he does intend on bringing in the spirit of Saatchi’s “rock and roll” culture into his new agency.

“It’s about great work, it’s about ‘nothing is impossible’, them against us, David v. Goliath, pirates vs. the Navy. All that sort of stuff. The irreverent, up yours, we’re game for it, we don’t give a stuff, which I think is really cool,” Seddon shared.

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