Press Release

Intelligence: The South China Morning Post Launches First-Ever China AI Report with In-Depth Reporting and Fresh Case Studies

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HONG KONG – The ​South China Morning Post today released its inaugural ​SCMP China AI Report 2020 ​that provides business and industry observers insights into significant advancements emerging from ​the world’s leading country in artificial intelligence adoption.

The ​report offers ​essential business intelligence ​by examining how data, talent, hardware and software become critical to wider adoption. ​China is one of the leading global hubs driving significant investments in AI research and development and t​he report covers applications across industries including finance, education, healthcare, infrastructure, autonomous vehicles, retail, smart homes and manufacturing, while highlighting issues related to data privacy and US-China tensions​.

Authored by SCMP Research, the report taps a wealth of industry knowledge ​from SCMP’s Technology Desk with actionable intelligence, deep dives, case studies and first-hand insights as well as exploring projections for the long term future. ​More importantly, the report is a compr​ehensive overview of the country’s technological, regulatory and policy developments and how it can be extended to other countries – issues that would be equally relevant to investors and academia​.


The SCMP China AI Report has alraedy earned positive reviews from reputable industry leaders, including Jeffrey Ding, D.Phil Researcher at Oxford University’s Centre for the Governance of AI, who commented the report offers “big-picture trendlines neglected by other analyses”. Huang Wei, Founder and CEO of AI tech startup Unsound pointed out the report’s illuminating “insights on the entrepreneurial boldness of China AI companies and professionals.”

“The speed of AI development in China has been extraordinary, and its deployment is already at a mind-boggling scale. The opportunities and challenges of this evolution will impact the entire world. This report benefits from SCMP’s depth of access and knowledge, and will elevate critical understanding for global stakeholders in the AI industry and beyond,” said Gary Liu, SCMP CEO.

Said Tammy Tam, SCMP’s Editor in Chief, “SCMP has been taking the lead in presenting our global audience the latest tech landscape in China, the publication of this updated and authoritative report showcases our commitment and tireless efforts in helping readers around the world to better understand China’s AI strategy.”


The full report is available for purchase ​here, in addition to ​the exclusive opportunity to learn from and interact with AI experts and C-level executives from China AI companies through six webinars.

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