Philippine NewsPress ReleaseSustainability

Forest Foundation Philippines reveals upgraded grant program and new sustainability framework

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MANILA, PHILIPPINES In celebration of the International Day of the Forest, Forest Foundation Philippines announced that it will scale up its grant program through its 2023 – 2026 Results Framework. The new framework aims to enable a holistic and trans-disciplinary approach to forest protection, restoration, and conservation in the Philippines.

The 2023 – 2026 Framework is a four-year program that will empower organizations and individuals to protect and sustainably manage forests for land productivity, water, and biodiversity, while improving forest-related climate action. In addition, the framework will continue and expand Forest Foundation Philippines’ grant program to conserve and protect four focal landscapes in the country: the Sierra Madre, Palawan, Samar & Leyte, and Mindanao.



2023-2026 Results Framework

The Philippines is currently suffering from diminished forest cover that is primarily due to anthropogenic causes, including large scale logging and land conversion. This is done to cope with the increasing demands of a growing population of over 115 million Filipinos. Of the nation’s total forestlands, only 6.8 million HA remains forested as of 2010; a significant drop that is lower than the 1934 forest cover of 17 million HA, according to the DENR Forest Management Bureau.

These challenges towards deforestation are compounded by the ongoing effects of climate change, such as storm surges, floods, and landslides, destroying the country’s first defense against natural disasters. According to the 2017 Philippine Climate Change Assessment, these issues have led to damages upwards of USD $8.45 Billion.

Forest Foundation Philippines’ 2023 – 2026 Results Framework is grounded by a strong commitment to reinforce the relationship between people and forests by building partnerships among stakeholders to ensure a livable future for the next generation. 

“Our 2023 – 2026 Results Framework is a commitment to the continued protection, restoration, and conservation of our nation’s most important resource,” said Atty. Jose Andres Canivel, Forest Foundation Philippines Executive Director.


“We urge interested organizations and individuals to reach out to us and learn more about the ways they can apply for a grant and collaborate with us. Join us in setting solid roots and foundations for a better tomorrow,” he added.

The Framework continues to build on its current efforts in the four focal landscapes and will also expand its efforts in Mindanao, specifically in the Eastern Mindanao Biodiversity Corridor, with additional site-based projects around the country. Support projects include the initiatives that can:

  1. Grow Forests
    Projects that restore, protect, and conserve forests and their adjacent ecosystem to ensure these areas can sustainably meet the needs of present and future generations. 
  2. Grow Opportunities
    Projects that empower local communities by improving their livelihoods and developing economic incentives.
  3. Grow Partners
    Projects that strengthen cross-sectoral partnerships between the government, private sector, and communities towards the protection and conservation of the forests.
  4. Grow Advocates
    Projects that empower individuals, communities, and organizations to become advocates for  the forests through knowledge sharing and collective action.

These projects are expected to contribute to forest-related climate action towards increased resilience, mitigation, and adaptation capacities integral to the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.

Implementing the Framework

The Results Framework 2023-2026 is enabled by the Tropical Forest Conservation Act of the United States of America, which is a “debt-for-nature” agreement that converts Philippine debt into funds that are used by the Foundation for forest protection and conservation activities.

Forest Foundation Philippines is a non-stock, non-profit, non-governmental organization that provides grants and technical assistance to organizations and individuals that empower the people to protect and conserve the forests.

Forest Foundation Philippines Programs Committee Chairperson Dennis Salvador emphasized that at the end of the day, the efforts of Forest Foundation Philippines and its partners are to ensure a lush and sustainable future for the country.

“We want a future, where our current efforts can lead to biodiverse and productive ecosystems that benefits all Filipinos, especially Indigenous Peoples, as we expand our work in the Mindanao region,” Dennis added. 

He furthered, “The Foundation’s sustainable landscape approach, together with the support of forest-dependent communities and other stakeholders, ensures a future, where we can all thrive together.”


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