
Danone’s Aqua taps star power to promote proper empty bottle disposal

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ASIA-PACIFIC – INDONESIA, MAY 4, 2012: Danone’s AQUA water teamed up with Y&R Indonesia for its new campaign featuring heartthrob movie star Nicholas Saputra to encourage healthy lifestyle.

Entitled ‘Role Model’ the campaign comprises TV, digital, print, outdoor, in-store and cinema. The message is simple yet highly effective as consumers are encouraged to crush their empty plastic bottles before placing them into the rubbish bin. As a good end after having a good start.

The brand invites consumers to make the right choice when it comes to disposing of their empty bottle in a socially responsible manner.


In line with AQUA’s 2012 campaign theme, ‘Everything starts with us’, the TVC shows movie megastar and veejay Nicholas Saputra acting as role model to consumers by showing how to crush a used bottle and dispose of it properly. ‘A good start’ he says, referring to the health benefits of drinking AQUA, followed by ‘A good end’, referring to the environmental benefits of compacting the bottle before disposal. ‘Crush the empty bottle and dispose in its place’ the ad concludes.

Nicholas Supatra’s involvement, and the new crushing habit, has generated interest on social media in Indonesia which is Facebook’s second biggest, and Twitter’s third largest, market in the world.

Commented Febby Intan, AQUA brand director, “We hope this campaign will appeal to all Indonesia, especially the young generation, to take part in making Indonesian clean by having a good end after drinking AQUA.”


“We chose Nicholas Supatra because of his celebrity power that makes him a great role model in creating a healthy lifestyle, as well as creating buzz in Indonesia’s very active social media scene,” added Andrew Dowling, CEO, Y&R Indonesia.

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