Philippine News

FCB Manila welcomes new assignments

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MANILA – “Does this now make me a Regional Art Director?” asked John Suguitan, a twenty-something Creative upon learning that the brief he just received is one that will run in Japan, Korea, China, and Australia.

Dole Packaged Foods Asia has appointed FCB Manila to be the lead agency in rolling out a full campaign for the Dole brand for their packaged foods portfolio in the Asia region where business is strong and growing.

“Great to see the passion and quality of ideas coming through from FCB,“ said Ashvin Subramanyam, VP for Marketing and Innovations, Dole Packaged Foods Asia.


FCB Manila started its Dole Packaged Foods journey with the local Dole Packaged Foods Philippines operations via the launch of their thematic campaign on Dole Pineapple Juice two years ago. This was instrumental in achieving a significant increase in market share and was a factor in strengthening the agency’s relationship with the brand. This was also key in the attainment of Dole Packaged Foods Philippines’ regional award for Highest Revenue Growth for financial year 2015-2016.

“The Dole team is impressed with the level of initiative and engagement FCB has on our business,” said Efi De Castro, Senior Marketing Manager, Dole Packaged Foods Philippines.

Myra Carabeo, Creative Director for Dole, expressed excitement about the expansion of the agency’s portfolio, “As Change Agents, we are driven to offer fresh perspectives, innovative ways of influencing consumer behavior and fresh concepts that deliver results. This new assignment will give us the chance to showcase our work to an even bigger audience. Exciting times ahead!”


Paolo Cabañero, Business Unit Director for Dole, also sees this new partnership as an opportunity for FCB Manila to start showcasing its creative capabilities as a full-service Agency, “Our thrust as an Agency is to provide our Clients with a diverse set of creative solutions that best suit their business needs— from above-the -line and digital to shopper marketing. With this assignment, we get to share our industry, category and brand-changing creative ideas to the rest of Asia!”

Aside from Dole, FCB also opened its doors to Emperador Distillers., which has given the agency its total whisky business. The beverage-maker, which toasted to a net profit of P1.4 billion in the first quarter, has recently re-launched Andy Player Whisky, a well-loved brand back in the 1980s.

The teaser campaign online and in-store has led to sold out cases and the two new TV commercials developed by the agency are also proving to be strong assets for the brand. FCB and Emperador will continue redefining the liquor landscape with campaigns for two more whisky brands in the coming months.

“FCB adds significant value to the communications strategy of the whisky portfolio of Emperador and it continues to evolve. The appointment of Ellen Samano has strengthened the thinking behind the execution. More importantly,

FCB has demonstrated its passion and determination to deliver what is expected,” said Glenn D. Manlapaz, Regional Managing Director for Asia, Emperador Distillers, Inc.

Ellen Samano, FCB Manila’s General Manager, highlights the agency’s current thrust, “While we aggressively pursue new client acquisitions, FCB Manila is equally committed to strengthening relationship with its current clients. These new assignments from Dole and Emperador are results of the agency’s collective efforts to incite change for the good of our clients’ brands and business.”

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