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From The Loyal Fans of Roger Makak

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Yes, we know. You have your nose to the grindstone 24/7; you have no time to think about Roger Makak: who he is, what he is, how he became Asia’s No.1 Creative, why he is or isn’t Andy Greenaway, and what should be done with him.

Someone who does think about it—and often—is Campaign Brief Asia’s Kim Shaw. To his amusement, he found a message in his inbox, signed by the “Concerned Supporters of Saatchi Singapore.”

This group, who can’t decide whether they are “we” or “I,” wrote:


We firmly believe that Saatchi has been unfairly labelled as the biggest offender in Singapore for producing the so-called “scam” ad.

We would like to make it plain that many businesses are highly supportive and appreciative of what Saatchi Singapore has done for them. For a leading agency like Saatchi to produce countless ads for small business like Blush Lingerie, GBC Shredders and Silverfish Books, to name but three,       is absolutely marvelous!

And for them to do so without charging a single cent for all their hard work is generosity indeed!!


What is more the agency is even kind enough to then pay for all these ads to run in the highly respected ‘Think’ magazine.

With regards to the “Roger is Andy, only furrier” claim, Saatchi’s supposed fanbase says:

We are also saddened by the whole Roger Makak witchhunt, this is both unfair and unfounded.

For advertising professionals in other agencies to claim that Andy Greenaway is NOT Roger Makak is outrageous.

Mr. Greenaway has made it abundantly             clear that he is responsible for every single ad that has ever won an award for Saatchi. This includes,          I believe that famous one for British Airways where people run around and then form a smiley face.”

Hey, we remember that ad from 1989. Considering that Andy was employed by Ogilvy at the time, that is an achievement!

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