
TBWAShanghai weaves

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SHANGHAI, CHINA, NOVEMBER 16, 2011:  China´s most pressing environmental and healthcare challenges got an epic treatment as TBWA\Shanghai launched the new `Future Folklore´ digital campaign for General Electric (GE). The campaign aims to build awareness and interest in GE´s innovative solutions under the two key communications platforms: Ecomagination* and *Healthymagination*.

TBWA TEQUILA created a storytelling platform, inspired by sage Chinese fables, to show how simple and inspiring ideas and stories of imagination can become a reality with innovation and technology.

 "Future Folklore" illustrates that similar to the fables of the past, the stories that can inspire future change begin with a key wisdom, idea, belief or imagination. Instead of selling fantasy and unachievable aspiration goals, the campaign showcases how (using GE´s technology and innovation) we can turn fantasy into a reality for the betterment of our world.


The campaign is a `call to action´ for businesses and individuals to step up, use their imagination combined with technology, and help find a solution that will write our `Future Folklore´.

To engage with business executives, healthcare professionals, and government officials, the campaign runs on Guokr (,Soungshuhui (, Youku, and uses GE´s Sina Weibo as the campaign´s hub.

All stories in the campaign are based on classic folklores of our past, but told with a twist for today´s world. This campaign empowers consumers to join the movement socially, arming them with articles, videos and news that they can readily share with friends to help create awareness of the technologies and stories that will shape our future.


The campaign runs until the end of December in China.

"Future Folklore"

Project Name:  GE Future Folklore
Creative Agency: TBWATEQUILAShanghai
Client: General Electric (GE)
Creative Directors: Chien Hwang, Lincoln Daman, Dwayne Koh
Art Director(s): Hank Huang, Yu Yong
Copywriter(s): Haiyang Yu
Illustrator:  I Love Dust (London)
Production Company: B&A Reps Asia
General Manager: Scarlett Lok
Agency Producer: Allen Chen
Account Director / Senior Account Executive:  Scarlett Lok
Account Executive(s) / Manager(s): Angela Xu
Media Agency: Starcom
Media Team: Sarika Tulsyan, Stella Jamie Lui, Ivy Wu



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