
Fire up for YoungGuns 2012!

Spikes Asia 2025 Spikes Asia 2025 is now open. Download your entry kit!

GLOBAL, OCTOBER 26, 2012 – Calling all the young and talented! You have until November 9, Friday, to submit your entries to the 2012 YoungGuns Award, which recognizes and promotes the best of young talent in advertising, digital, design, media and PR.

YoungGuns was established in 2000 by advertising up-and-comers Kristian Barnes, Jason Williams and Michael Kean, out of “frustration with the hierarchical advertising structure and the belief that like themselves, young talent was struggling for the recognition that their ideas merited”.

This year, YoungGuns is giving emerging creatives to get their work recognized globally for free. All you have to do is upload your work (or your friends’) and get your social networks to vote for you. The Top 20 entries voted by the people will be submitted to YGAward 2012 for free!


To be eligible for a YoungGuns Professional Award, you or one of your team must have been born after November 25, 1981. To be eligible for a YoungGuns Student Award, you and your team must be currently enrolled as students or have graduated in the last 12 months.

The shortlisted entries for the Professional Award and the Student Award will be announced between December 3 and 7. The Bullets will be awarded on December 10.

For more information, visit the YoungGuns Award’s website:



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