Philippine News

Kidlat 2019: BBDO Guerrero Hauls Awards at CreativeFest, Signals Agency Transformation

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BBDO Guerrero won multiple awards at the Philippines Kidlat Awards held on April 26. The agency showed creative strength across its client roster with a Gold, 2 Silvers, and 7 Bronzes and an additional 10 shortlists across four key clients: Hormel Foods, Mars, PepsiCo, and Red Ribbon.

Among the individual campaigns gaining recognition were Snickers ‘Wrong World Finals’, Johnson’s ‘Playstreet’, SPAM® ‘Recipeoke’, Quaker Oats ‘Dream Interpretations’, Snickers ‘The Hungry Artist’, and Red Ribbon ‘Project Birthday’.

“Creativity drives effectiveness. So it is always satisfying to achieve this kind of recognition on work for some of our key brands. It is a testament of the strong and collaborative partnership we have with our top clients. And is a result of the teamwork between Client Service, Strategy and Creative teams. Congratulations to all our teams and clients for a job well done,” said Francine Kahn-Gonzalez, BBDO Guerrero Managing Director.


“We feel these awards, achieved almost entirely for digital campaigns, are an important signal of the agency’s transformation – and an affirmation of our promise of keeping the creative product at the center of what we do,” added David Guerrero, BBDO Guerrero Creative Chairman.

The 4As CreativeFest is the country’s biggest conference of practitioners and students in the industry to celebrate creativity. This is capped off by Kidlat Awards, the industry’s most prestigious local awards show.

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