BRAZIL – Present at major museums around the world, scenarios of the classic works of artists Van Gogh, Renoir and Monet can reach the homes of Etna customers. Signed by Artplan, the campaign titled Do It Yourself brings adverstising pieces that reproduces Impressionist paintings in printed medias.

The ads re-read the original masterpieces, using Etna objects to compose a similar scenario. In the same pieces, the brand shows the comparison of prices between the piece of art and the setting assembled by the store, highlighting the variety and easy access to Etna products.
The project consists of three ads with representations of paintings such as: Roses by Van Gogh; Renoir’s Le Bouquet and Monet’s Chrysanthèmes Vase.

Technical File – Etna / Do It Yourself
Agency: Artplan
Client: Etna
Pieces: Do It Yourself Van Gogh, Do It Yourself Renoir, Do It Yourself Monet
Creation: Maurício Perussi, Rafael Zoehler
Creative Director: Marcos Abrucio, Zico Farina
Project Manager: Vivian Tomaz
Graphical Production: Bruno Werner
Attendance: Eduardo Megale, Thiago Zewe, Beatriz Rodrigues, Jonathan Santos, Laura Loyola
Media: Francisco Rosa, Nany Porciuncula
Photographer: Lúcio Cunha
Image Treatment: Emerson Santos
Mockup: Tiago Cappi
Client Approval: Daniela Maia, Vanessa Pereira
Watch the making of the campaign here:
About Artplan
Led by Rodolfo Medina, Artplan is the largest agency, with 100% national capital, of the market and acts as a HUB of communication solutions for its clients. In 2017, the year of its fiftieth anniversary, it jumped from 20th position to 11th in the ranking of agencies (Kantar Ibope Media). According to the Agency Scope 2016, Artplan was the 3rd most valued agency in the vision of the clients themselves and the 1st in Service, Quality of the Team and Involvement of the Top Management, in addition, has stood out, for three consecutive years, in the ranking Great Place to Work. The agency has about 360 employees, distributed in three offices: São Paulo, Rio de Janeiro and Brasília.