Philippine News

Filipino photographer Jake Verzosa in Photoquai

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From Silver Lens to the Musée du Quai Branly.  Jake Verzosa is definitely moving up and going global. 

His works, having caught the critical eyes of art scouts, have led to Versoza representing the Philippines in Photoquai in Paris, joining 50 photographers from 32 countries. 

“Silverlens Gallery presented some of their artists’ works and (the scouts) chose mine,” Verzosa elaborates.  “They’re flying me to Paris for the opening and my works will also be exhibited in other places in France through the museum’s initiative.” 


His works will be on exhibit along the banks of the Seine, alongside the Musée du Quai Branly from September 22 to November 22, 2009. 

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Photographer Jake Verzosa during the recent Manila Design Week Creative Collaboration

A product of the Philippine Science High School, Verzosa completed university studies at the Ateneo De Manila.  His first job was in IT, while dabbling into photography.  That was in 2002.  A mere seven years hence, and the young photographer amassed a collection of various photographic studies, both local and global, as well as mixed-media productions.


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On exhibit at the Photoquai

Photoquai is a creative project by the Musée du Quai Branly in 2007.  The goal of the project is to exhibit non-western photography.  Happening every two years, the exhibition on the quai Branly is an extensive, international event known, from its inception, for its quality, originality and relevance.  The exhibit brings works across the globe for European exposure.

“I think this is a great opportunity to show works from different places. I’m excited for the experience,” Verzosa added.

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