
UN Women ads by Memac Ogilvy & Mather use real Google searches to expose sexism

GLOBAL – October 22, 2013 – Google’s search suggestions can turn up some pretty funny results, and have been the subject of many a viral meme. But in a new series of ads by Memac Ogilvy & Mather for UN Women, the search suggestions are not so amusing.

UN Women is the United Nations entity for gender equality and women empowerment.
The ads feature profiles of women with the google search bar placed across their mouths as if to silence them. The search bar shows sexist autocomplete suggestions such as "women need to be controlled," and "women shouldn’t have rights."
In an article posted on their website, UN Women said that the ads were "used genuine Google searches to reveal the widespread prevalence of sexism and discrimination against women."
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The searches were dated March 9, 2013, the organization said. 
"When we came across these searches, we were shocked by how negative they were and decided we had to do something with them," said Christopher Hunt, art director of Memac Ogilvy & Mather’s creative team. 
"The ads are shocking because they show just how far we still have to go to achieve gender equality. They are a wake up call, and we hope that the message will travel far," added copywriter Kareem Shuhaibar.
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On UN Women’s part, the results of the search suggestions "confirm the urgent need to continue making the case for women’s rights, empowerment and equality, a cause the organization is pursuing around the world."
"UN Women is heartened by the initial strong reaction to the ads and hopes they will spark constructive dialogue globally," the organization said.
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