
Comics: Little-known comic book trivia about The Eternals

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MANILA, PHILIPPINES — The Eternals is yet another group of obscure heroes (ala Guardians of the Galaxy) that are being introduced into the MCU. Created by legendary creator Jack Kirby, they actually have a long storied history in Marvel Comics. Comic Book Guy gives you all the info you need to know about these immortals.

1. In the past, they were often mistaken as the ancient gods of Greek Mythology. Even their names are similar (Thena – Athena, Makkari – Mercury, Sersi – Circe, and so on).


2. The Olympian Gods actually exist in the Marvel Universe. The most popular god (and superhero in his own right) from this pantheon is Hercules.

3. The Eternals are long-lived and tough to kill but even if someone somehow manages to kill an Eternal, their soul/minds transfer to a duplicate body back at their home in Olympia.


4. Unfortunately, the Eternals recently discovered that their life force is tied to a random human being. Every time they resurrect, the human’s life force fuels the process, killing them.

5. After discovering that their creators, the Celestials, were manipulating them for their own nefarious purposes, the Eternals went insane and committed mass suicide.

6. In the comics, Thanos is an Eternal (who has a recessive Deviant gene)! His father Alars and his followers left Earth for Titan, Saturn’s moon.

7. Both Sersi and Gilgamesh have been Avengers.

8. Like in the movie, Sersi and Dane Whitman had a relationship while they were Avengers.

9. Unlike the movie, Sersi never had anything with Ikaris. She was romantically linked to Makkari.

10. Ikaris was involved with Thena for a time before her romantic relationship with the Deviant Kro.

11. Kro is not the only Deviant who allied with the Eternals. Deviant allies include Ransak the Reject ( a human-looking Deviant) and Karkas, a gentle yet monstrous Deviant.

12. Makkari was a man but after the Eternals’ mass suicide, he was reborn as a deaf woman (making the character aligned with her MCU counterpart).

13. Sprite was a young boy but after he was killed, was reborn as a young girl (another realignment with the movie).

14. All the Eternals were once given false memories and made to live with mankind by a traitorous Sprite.

15. There is a mutant offshoot race of Eternals called the Externals. They are led by Gideon who frequently clashed with X-Force.

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