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JWT presents Brand Toys, the world’s first brand visualization tool

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GLOBAL – MAY 2011 – If brands were toys, what would they look like? JWT, the world’s best-known marketing communications brand, has launched Brand Toys, the world’s first online brand visualization tool, which allows users to compare the character and personality of over 3,000 brands across 23 countries. Users can create their own Brand Toy characters, share them through their social networks and even resin-print their Toy in 3-D. 
The Brand Toys online tool analyzes data from Millward’s Brown’s BrandZ study in association with real-time social media search and analysis to create playful visualiztions of a brand’s image and personality in the form of a toy. The site reveals at a glance how consumers across the globe understand and feel about brands. 
Users of the Brand Toys tool can make quick comparisons between a brand and its competitors, or see how a single brand performs in different countries.

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The creation of Brand Toys is based on the premise that brands are in danger of becoming less interesting to consumers as their experience with a brand grows. Brand builders must therefore remember to keep their discipline creative and playful, and that brands should be treated as objects of entertainment and engagement, rather than scrutiny and conservatism. 
JWT Worldwide Planning Director Guy Murphy stated, “To ensure a rosy future for brands, it is crucial to consider marketing as a creative discipline. Brand Toys represents brands as consumers feel them—with personality and character, not as a series of numbers or complex mechanisms.” 
“The world’s growing experience with brands is leading to a global indifference to them. When brands are new to a country they are exciting, interesting, even symbols of economic prosperity. However, as brands mature in a market they can lose their shine and consumers wish to invest their time elsewhere,” he added.
While Brand Toys do not replace in-depth brand understanding, they provide a faster way to compare brands and inspire new thinking and ideas. It is an ideal tool for professionals from the Planning, Marketing and Strategy sectors.



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