Campaign SpotlightPress Release

Dove urges Indian society to ‘Stop The Beauty Test’ in moving campaign for young girls by Ogilvy

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MUMBAI, INDIA — Persona care brand Dove‘s latest campaign questions society on the beauty report card given to young girls. The brand film brings forward beauty-based judgments that young girls are subjected to by society in the guise of advice, asks consumers to confront these prejudices, and redefines what it means to be beautiful.

India’s beauty obsession 

Last year, Dove began a movement provoking the nation to confront how beauty biases are amplified during the process of finding a life partner. The campaign showcased how the remarks deeply impacted the self-esteem of prospective brides.


As the brand was addressing this angst and discouraging societal stereotypes within the construct of marriage, the brand uncovered a key moment of truth wherein the first tryst with appearance-led anxiety amongst women started much younger – as early as adolescence. At a time when these girls should be concentrating on education, they are being unknowingly subjected to beauty biases by society. This early conditioning and grooming lead to them being graded as per a societal prescription of beauty – significantly affecting their overall confidence.

Dove’s #StopTheBeautyTest 2.0, the second leg of the initial campaign, has shifted its focus on the root of the problem – from prospective brides to teenage girls. The film features real girls who narrate real stories of how they have been subjected to varied beauty tests based on their appearances and thereby rated by society on their looks instead of their intellect/aptitude. 80% of Indian school girls have faced this test, based on the research conducted by Hansa Research in Dec 2020. 


Through this effort, Dove intends to send a powerful message: to change “beauty” from its conventional lens and bring an end to report cards that are based on external remarks. The brand urges society to place emphasis on in-classroom education instead of seeing young girls from the eyes of a prospective groom.

The Dove Self-Esteem Project was created from a vision to empower eight million young people by 2025 – helping them to break through the stereotypes, stand up for themselves, raise their self-esteem and realize their full potential.

Let’s change beauty and pledge to #StopTheBeautyTest

Acting upon this, Unilever Limited Beauty & Personal Care for Hindustan Executive Director Madhusudhan Rao opined, “Over the last 10 years, with the Dove Self-Esteem Project, we are working towards a vision where beauty is a source of confidence, not anxiety. We want to empower young girls to rise above the unjust beauty report cards given to them and be confident in their own skin. As a brand that is committed to taking tangible action to change beauty, we hope the real-life stories of young girls is an eye opener for the society to take notice leading to a behavior change. Dove is on a mission to ensure the next generation grows up enjoying a positive relationship with the way they look.”

Harman Dhillon, vice president for Hair Care at Unilever, opined, “Our new campaign further fortifies our commitment to widen the definition of beauty and ensure its representation is holistic and inclusive. With Dove’s #StopTheBeautyTest initiative, we intend to bring to light the beauty report card, which young girls can be subjected to, thereby reducing their self-esteem. With this campaign, we want to urge society to look beyond beauty stereotypes and celebrate every girl’s individuality and uniqueness.”

Ogilvy Senior Executive Creative Director & Executive Creative Director Mihir Chanchani said, “The ‘beauty test’ has become such an integral part of our society that it starts right from the school years for girls. Their face and body become a mark sheet for society to score. In this campaign, Dove shows us the plight and the determination of the school girls to not give into this grading system. It urges society to stop the beauty test and to start building beauty confidence of young girls.”

Fortifying Dove’s partnership with UNICEF further – through the Unilever Dove Self-Esteem Project – the brand is training teachers to deliver educational modules around body confidence and self-esteem to the younger generation as a part of the life skills curriculum.

Ogilvy Senior Vice President for Planning Abigail Dias added, “When it comes to beauty-related anxieties, most women suffer in silence as they deal with the pressures of conformity to stereotypes. Dove’s ‘Stop The Beauty Test’ is a campaign and a platform that brings out in the open the issues that gradually diminish and chip away at women’s self-worth. This year, we’re going back in time to when the pressure and conditioning to make them ‘suitable brides’ really begins. For more than 80% of Indian women, that happens to be when they’re still school-going teenagers. The campaign is a reflection of real stories that we hope will continue to inspire change and further Dove’s ambition of a world where women can enjoy beauty on their own terms.”

Commenting on the partnership, UNICEF India Education Specialist Aurelia Ardito, said, “One fourth of India’s population is aged between 10 to 24 years old. It becomes even more important to ensure these young
minds are educated and equipped with the right knowledge, skills and training – especially when it comes to self-esteem and body confidence. Through Dove Self-Esteem Project, we’re empowering young girls to realize their potential to the fullest and thereby contributing to their future and their role in their community. To attain maximum impact, we’ve started training teachers to deliver sessions on body confidence as part of the life skills curriculum in schools.”

Join the movement with #StopTheBeautyTest on YouTube and Instagram. Learn more on –


Client: Hindustan Unilever Ltd.

Brand: DOVE

Agency: Ogilvy India
Chief Creative Officers, Ogilvy India: Harshad Rajadhyaksha, Kainaz
Karmakar & Sukesh Nayak
Vice Chairperson & Chief Client Officer, Ogilvy India: Hephzibah Pathak
Chief Strategy Officer, Ogilvy India: Prem Narayan

Senior Executive Creative Director: Zenobia Pithawalla
Executive Creative Director: Mihir Chanchani
Senior Creative Director: Vishal Rajpurkar
Kainaz Karmakar, Harshad Rajadhyaksha, Zenobia Pithawalla & Mihir Chanchani

Executive Vice President, Account Management: Vineet Singh & Walter Noronha
Client Services Director: Sanam Chowdhry
Account Supervisor: Bhavya Dwivedi
Account Executive: Vyigin Fotedar

Senior Vice President, Planning: Abigail Dias
Planning Director: Tanvi Mishra

Production House: Chrome Pictures

Director: Amit Sharma Executive Producer: Abhishek Notani & Kush Malhotra

Partner with adobo Magazine

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