
Francine Kahn-Gonzalez appointed to MD in BBDO Guerrero

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THE PHILIPPINES, APRIL 18, 2012: BBDO Guerrero | Proximity Philippines has promoted its general manager, Francine Kahn-Gonzalez to the position of managing director effective immediately.
Gonzalez will be working more closely with the executive committee of BBDO in the Philippines as it expands its offering with the recent successful launches of Proximity Shop and Designworks. She will also be leading further initiatives in revenue generation and new business of the agency.
Tony Harris, chief executive of BBDO Guerrero | Proximity Philippines, said: “Fran is the very heartbeat of the Agency. Her counsel is always sound and her touch is always sure but marry this to her natural dynamism and charm and you have a leader with real star potential”.
David Guerrero, chairman and CCO of BBDO Guerrero | Proximity Philippines, continued: “Fran’s embodies all the values we look for at BBDO. The foremost being her commitment and ability to inspire great work. As a result our clients love her – and so do our teams."
In 1998, Gonzalez started at JWT Manila in 1998 where she was quickly picked out as one of their rising stars. In 2005, Gonzalez joined BBDO Guerrero as a group account director working primarily on the Pepsico business. In 2008 she was appointed client service director and general manager in 2010.
During this time, she has continued to work closely with all of the agency’s clients such as Johnson & Johnson, Emperador Distillers, and Fonterra. 

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